1. Knowledge outcome- You will be able to develop in-depth Understanding of the entrepreneurial process of finding valuable Opportunities and developing a business to pursue them.
ssessment Brief: Entrepreneurship Development
Academic year and term: 2020 - 2021
Module title: Entrepreneurship Development
Module code: QAB020X613A
Learning outcomes
assessed in this module
1. Knowledge outcome - You will be able to develop in-depth
Understanding of the entrepreneurial process of finding valuable
Opportunities and developing a business to pursue them.
2. Intellectual / Transferable skills outcome - You will be able to
develop an advanced business development plan which
demonstrates creativity, independent thinking and use of leading
Scholarly literature.
You will be able to present your ideas in business level presentation
and written formats.
Types of assessment:
Two Parts A and B
Part A Presentation of outline Lean Start Up venture for expert
panel and peer assessment (compulsory formative). PowerPoint
submitted as PDF file to Turnitin (10/12/2021@14pm)
Part B Business report detailed Lean Start Up venture including
follow-up to Part A feedback. (Compulsory summative). Word file
submitted to Turnitin
Summative Assessment
Instructions for assessment
Parts A and B are compulsory and linked e.g. the material in Part A is carried forward into Part B modified using expert feedback and further learning. Feedback given in Part A and the response (i.e. follow-up) must be included in the summative.
The marking Scheme (100%) is the same for both Parts A and B.
High Marks
High marks will be awarded to new, creative and innovative solutions that are clearly profitable and supported by details and evidence (research) that aim to attract finance: investment and/or loans.
The main Value Creation e.g. Value Proposition Canvas and the Value Capture e.g. Business Model Canvas parts and other elements of the taught syllabus (which includes the readings) should be correctly understood and applied. A superficial understanding (i.e. not at QAA level 6) will not pass.
The syllabus contains many techniques to find and access new/innovative business opportunities that would be attractive to investors.
Opportunities must be a) feasible (not based on fanciful ideas and assumptions) and b) financial viable i.e. clearly profitable based on evidence and c) have the potential in future to scale.
Opportunities can a) be completely new or b) a re-engineered or re-imagined version of an existing business.
Student must specify which techniques from the syllabus they used to develop the opportunity.
Opportunities used in previous modules are not acceptable, opportunities that are copies, clones or close variants of existing opportunities are also not allowed.
Students can create new value by a) discovering new ends e.g. unmet needs and/or b) applying new means yo solve existing needs e.g. i) Block-chain, ii) Artificial intelligence iii) Carbon neutral iv) Circular no environmental economy v) Social inclusion and equality.
The emphasis in your work must be on: a) how you found the opportunity b) the novelty, uniqueness, creativity of the opportunity b) the financial profitability of the opportunity, c) evidence gathered using academic research methods, d) the realism and feasibility of the business development (value capture) plan. The value capture plan must be of a quality to gain the finance needed to bring the opportunity to reality.
Students are advised to use diagrams (e.g. VPC, MVP, BMC and other models), tables and spreadsheets to support their plan (it also saves on word count).
Do not cut and paste from lecture notes and websites etc., it doesn’t demonstrate understanding. All references will be checked during the marking process and should be from the taught syllabus readings or closely related sources.
Marking Criteria 1. Creative application of accurately referenced academic principles, theories and ideas and from the module syllabus. (30%)
Students must demonstrate engagement and study of the content of the taught syllabus and its core texts (Ries, Osterwalder and Pigneur, and readings e.g. Blank, etc. and other learning materials at a detailed level. The concepts used in this module are not self-explanatory and referenced definitions are expected at university level 6.
Use of primary and secondary data to support your decisions (30%)
You must engage with customers, suppliers and other partners using the VPC and MVP. Your decisions must be supported by primary and/or secondary data e.g. marketing research. Many students lose marks here by not providing evidence to support their plan. The university provides access to several up to date professional secondary market research databases e.g. Mintel, Market Line, etc.
Critical entrepreneurial/business evaluation (30%)
Use of feedback and expert opinion. You must reflect upon (think about) and assess your choices e.g. different options and their strengths and weaknesses in terms of robust entrepreneurial judgement/business acumen. Show evidence of working with and sharing information with other C levels in your group as a C-level team, using experts, and tools e.g. Simventure (You can request a free evaluation license at:
Logical structure, clear use of English (visual, spoken, written), font, referencing, and use of word limit. (10%)
Communication skills in English are a key learning outcome. Reference your secondary data sources carefully not just ‘cut and pasted’ browser web links. Academic references will be checked and those not clearly from or connected to the taught syllabus, or are of low quality e.g. (tutor2u) will lose marks.
See the assessment rubric at the end of this briefing for specific details of how to achieve a mark in your target grade banding e.g. a 1:1 (a
Part A Compulsory Individual PowerPoint slide Presentation to be uploaded on Turnitin
This compulsory assessment is essential preparation and foundation using the feedback for the Part B assessment.
Individual students will upload the presentation.
The first step is to have your tutor approve by email your business idea. This must be done before the seminar of Week 4.
Format: PowerPoint slides must be converted to a PDF file (to reduce file size) submitted to Turnitin.
Word Limit: Ten (10) slides. It is a visual presentation use diagrams, tables, etc not words.
PowerPoint slides full of text will received a low mark and will have to be re-submitted, annotated detailed notes must be provided at the bottom of each slide.
Clear presentation of content on the slides helps the understanding of your ideas.
Students must regard the reader for Parts A and B as potential investors/financiers. e.g. for Part A angel investors and banks screening new lean start-ups before allowing a detailed Part B to be prepared Structure:
For Part A students must
Full name and student id plus a photo of the st (all must be present i.e. on-line). Name of Product/ Service with a (one) diagram to describe it. 1 slide. Date of approval by tutor by email.
Explain why this is a profitable, competition beating, value creating ‘lean’, investable entrepreneurial opportunity. Complete this sentence: If your lean start-up never existed, the world would be worse off because… 1 slide
Details of your creative cognitive work that applied elements of the taught syllabus to develop and validate the new opportunity. 1 slide.
4/5. Present and explain Value Creation using a Value Proposition Canvas (with extensions and detailing as per the taught syllabus) 2 slides e.g. a) Customer Profile b) Value Map. Note: Begin with Customer Jobs (the part of their life where you create value).
6. Mock-up/role play/demo of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). – Not applicable
6. Present and explain the Business Model (means to ends transformation process) and an outline Business Model Canvas (Value Capture) (with extensions and detailing as per the taught syllabus) 2 slides.
7. Business Research and Data Gathering Plan i.e. The Part B hypotheses to be researched (see Ries Chapter 4 alchemy to science) 1 slide.
8. Principal Harvard style references listing a) scholarly works and b) secondary data sources. 1 slide. Note simple cut and pasted web references URLs (uniform resource locator) are unacceptable at level 6 1 slide.
Part A Grades:
The individual presentation will be graded by the tutor into 3 broad ‘traffic light’ indicative categories using the marking criteria. At this stage the quality of the business proposal and the understanding of the syllabus will be key.
Green 60% plus (in good shape to progress to Part B).
Amber 40-50% (can progress to Part B, but substantive changes are required).
Red 40% or below (inadequate (fail) and should not proceed, contact your tutor for guidance).
Part B Summative Assessment: Individual Venture Development Proposal (submitted to Turnitin as Word Document) (100% of module marks
Format: Lean Start-Up Business Development Plan (one C-level perspective) with full Harvard references.
Font: Arial font size 11 or 12 point, (this font). In the business world organisations will have a compulsory ‘house style’ and font.
Word Limit: 3000 words i.e. the Appendices and References do not count towards the 3000 word limit.
Prerequisites for Part B:
The individual report must reference the tutor’s prior approval, presentation of Part A and the feedback received. Any reports not meeting these criteria will not be read, not given feedback, and will receive a mark of zero.
As this is individual work students should cover all the Plan from a CEO perspective from:
Marketing Plan – value proposition, advertising, customer engagement, sales, etc.
Operational Plan– doing the business, making product, delivering service, shipping, orders, suppliers, partners, etc.
Technology/Information Plan ) – Core technical solution (if there is one) also key IT systems and data processing, etc.
Human Resources Plan() – deciding the organisational structure, the balance between employed and contract staff, specifying, hiring and developing people to be employed in the business, etc.
Financial Plan - costing, pricing, cash management, need for finance, raising finance, etc.
Lean Start-Up Business Plan Components. Structure Note:
Cover page. A photo or diagram of the product/service that conveys its creativity.
Introduction to the Lean Start-Up. (250 words). The C level perspective being taken, the Part A process including feedback. Profit, creativity, lean characteristics.
Business Objectives. Profit, sales revenue and profit margin objectives for the first three years of operation (250 words).
Value Creation: Customer Value Proposition Canvas (Diagram) Minimum Viable Product
Individual student explanation, extensions and details as per the taught syllabus. (500 words)
Value Capture: ‘Lean’ Business Model Canvas (Diagram)
Individual student explanation, extensions and details as decided by the individual student) of the Business model (means-ends transformation process. (500 words)
Detailed Development Plan (1000 words) with references to Appendix I One of :
Marketing Plan
Operational Plan
Technical Solution and Information Technology Plan
Human Resources and Organisation Plan
Financial Plan (Note: All students must explain why the start-up is financially viable and profitable)
Critical evaluation of the plan and any possible future developments, competitor moves, changes in customer needs that need to be accounted for (e.g. Pivots see Ries Chapter 8). (250 words)
Summary: Why is a profitable, competition beating, value creating ‘lean’, investable entrepreneurial opportunity? Why should someone invest in and/or provide loan finance to this Lean Start-Up? Complete this sentence: If your start-up never existed, the world would be worse off because… (250 words)
The plan must include one appendix: (not included in the word count).
Appendix I) Primary and Secondary Market Research
Supporting data for the specific C level plan presented e.g. market size, market growth, customer preferences, segments, competitors, key partners, channels, technologies, job descriptions, labour market information, sources and cost of finance, etc.
How will we support you with your assessment?
The University has the Academic Achievement Team, the Business School librarian and also the Studiosity service all available from Moodle.
This assessment follows directly on from the formative Part A where all your basic questions and concerns are addressed. These assessments will be constructed step-by-step in seminars class and in group meetings (e.g. please meet in a manner that complies with COVID-19 regulations e.g. line arrangements).Support is given each week. The case studies and core texts directly support the assessment and must be studied carefully. Students are strongly advised to book a 20 minute one to one tutorial to present their detailed table of contents, receive feedback and ask questions.
There will be an assessment briefing in Week 2 will follow-up briefings on specific parts of the assessment in seminars.
You will receive feedback from an expert panel and an indicative mark for the formative feedback.
How will your work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed by a subject expert who will use the marking grid (rubric) provided in this assessment brief. When you access your marked work it is important that you reflect on the feedback so that you can use it to improve future assignments.
You MUST use the Harvard System . Level 5/6 students are expected to have developed a high competence referenced thought leadership.
Assignment submissions
The Business School requires a digital version of all assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 2pm on the given date. For further general details on coursework preparation refer to the online information via StudentZone http://studentzone.roehampton.ac.uk/howtostudy/index.html.
Mitigating circumstances/what to do if you cannot submit a piece of work or attend your presentation
The University Mitigating Circumstances Policy can be found on the University website - Mitigating Circumstances Policy
Marking and feedback process
Between you handing in your work and then receiving your feedback and marks within 20 days, there are a number of quality assurance processes that we go through to ensure that students receive marks which reflects their work. A brief summary is provided below.
Step One – The module and marking team meet to agree standards, expectations and how feedback will be provided.
Step Two – A subject expert will mark your work using the criteria provided in the assessment brief.
Step Three – A moderation meeting takes place where all members of the teaching and marking team will review the marking of others to confirm whether they agree with the mark and feedback.
Step Four – Work at level 5/6 then goes to an external examiner who will review a sample of work to confirm that the marking between different staff is consistent and fair.
Stop Five – Your mark and feedback is processed by the Office and made available to you.
Resit Assignment Details
Resit submission date: TBC (Date on Moodle when known)
For students who are offered a resit you are required to improve and resubmit your original work as well as adding a further reflective commentary discussing what you have learned from the process.
You must resubmit your work using the specific resit Turnitin link on Moodle. You should:
Review your previously submitted work and read carefully the feedback given by the marker.
Use this feedback to help you revisit and rewrite your work, improving it in the areas identified as weak in the original marking process
Include with your resubmission an additional reflective piece (up to 300/500 words#) on what you understand was weak, how you set about addressing this and what you have learned from this that may help you with further assignments. You should address the following specifically:
i) Identify tutor feedback points on your original work and identify where/how the resit work has changed (give page number) in response to feedback ii) Identify the lessons you have learnt from doing the resit
iii) Reflect on how your feedback and this process will help you improve future assignments
If you did not submit work at the first opportunity you cannot reflect on your feedback. However, you are still required to submit a reflective piece in which you identify your reasons for non-submission, the implications of non-submission for your future success and how you propose to address this in the future. If you have issues with confidentiality of your reasons for non-submission then you could reflect on how you have met the learning outcomes for the module, how you can use what you have done on the module to support your future career and what skills/employability attributes you feel the module has helped you to develop.
If you were deferred at the first assessment opportunity you do not need to include the reflective piece as this is a first submission at a later date, not a resit.
The original marking criteria will still apply (see marking grid provided above*) except that the 10% weighting for presentation will be awarded instead to your reflective piece
# up to 300 words at level 4 and up to 500 words at level 5, 6 and 7 – note this is a maximum not an expectation
*this refers to your marking grid included in your assessment brief
Detailed Rubric for Assessing Both Parts A and B
Key instructions for Students
Dear Students, Welcome to Entrepreneurship Development Module. This is an interesting module where you have to develop a new business idea and it is important for you to follow the key instructions provided to enhance the quality of the submission.
Read the assessment brief ,as step by step guidance is provided for each part of the Assessment ( Part A & Part B)
Kindly attend the sessions and take part in the Seminar Activities, if you are unable to attend the session, please inform your tutor or the Lecturer.
Your First feedback will be provided on Week 3 , related to your Business idea which must be approved before you
Submit your Part A Power Point slides on November 21st 2020 by 14 pm. It is your responsibility to get your idea approved by your Seminar Tutor.
Raise any issues related to your assignment with your Seminar tutor or attendance with the relevant department. If it is personal or difficult circumstances please contact welfare team.
Your lecturer or your seminar tutor can support you only when you attend the sessions and they will not be able to provide advice on personal circumstances.
Lectures are for subject knowledge and seminar activities are related and take part in the activities as suggested by your seminar tutor will help you to choose the business idea. So, please do not ask your seminar tutor just to go through only the assessments without taking part in the activities will enable you to understand the applications of this module.( PLEASE DO NOT ASK YOUR LECTURER FOR AN OPINION RELATED TO YOUR BUSINESS IDEA ONLY YOUR SEMINAR TUTORS OR SOMEONE WHO DOES BOTH SEMINAR AND LECTURE FOR YOUR GROUP )
Please do not take it on our staff, if you have any issues, first contact them via email and give them at least 24hrs to 48hours. Then email your Module convenor. We are here to help you.
No lecturer or Seminar tutor will tell you what will be your grade as the final grade for your summative assessment will be confirmed by the Roehampton Moderator and External examiner.
Any technical issues please contact QAHE Online learning @ QA.COM
We can understand your change in circumstance may affect your submission, however, email the relevant department as early as possible will help us to solve the issues as per the University policies and guidelines.
We wish you all the best on behalf of our teaching Team.
Frequently asked questions
How can I work as a group when the delivery is virtual?
1. Your seminar tutor will allocate you into group (5 members only). If a group has less than five members then an exceptional case is allowed where the remaining member can form a group. The person who assume the role of CEO or anyone who are good at using technology can organise a meeting every week.
You can create 8-10 slides is fine. If you want to do a presentation before the lecturer it is voluntary. Submission is compulsory. Part A- one member should submit the work on behalf of your group.
2. What are the tools available for me and I want it for free?
Google meet: googlemeet #videoconferencing
HOW TO USE GOOGLE MEET | Video Conferencing Tutorial for Beginners (FREE for Everyone) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2A6nP4GaWE
What’s app group
Google drive is one of the way everyone can share the information in common
3. Will I be penalised if my group did not submit the work?
No definitely no, your part b work is the summative and it will be an individual report for 3000 words from your role perspective
4. My group member is not showing up or creating problem what can I do?
If someone in your group is creating a problem then please you discuss with the person via chat along with your other members. Please ensure you use professional language. If they are not coming to your discussion for the second time then please consult your group members and take the right decision.
5. What I should do if I have a problem?
Speak to a member of staff privately or breakout session discussion, if it is more personal or difficult situation convey it to welfare and inform your group that you are unable to contribute. This can be done before the 5th week as your team needs to work on the presentation.
I have lost my work, my computer crash or lost my pen drive
Please save your work on word document and email it to yourself so that you can retrieve the data, you can use google drive so you don’t need to email.
No lecturer will tell you how/ what marks you will get until it is marked, moderated and confirmed by the external examiner, so please do not come to us and say my tutor said my work deserves 70 or less . NO, NO and a definite no
My idea is great and I fill all the columns can I get 70 plus?
No, It is your ability to critically analyse the work and the lecturers can no longer responsible to teach you critical writing and if you need you can contact ACE TEAM
Because it is a group work is Plagiarism is possible?
You are allowed to share the ideas only. However, when you do your individual report it should be from the C level perspective you choose.
The financial figures that you get it from your CFO will be same for all the group members which you need to include in th appendix. All other information will be different as the C-level roles are different.
Activity Log for Group work
Participant ( present /absent)
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