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Discuss the partner selection process in international strategic alliances. In this regard, using a suitable example, discuss how firms can develop trust and long term commitment with their partner.

N1545 Global Strategy


You can start this exam at a time of your choosing within its 24 hour window.

You can start, complete and submit the assessment flexibly within the window. However,

the assessment will close at end of the 24 hour window; leave sufficient time to complete.

You should not spend longer on the assignment than the expected duration.


If you have extra time due to Reasonable Adjustments then you should add this to your expected duration spent on the assessment; this is included within the 24 hour window.

Assessment available from:

Assessment available until:

Expected Exam Duration: 2 hours


Candidates should attempt any THREE questions 

All questions are equally weighted. For questions with two parts, the first part is weighted at 70% and the second part at 30%. 

The suggested word count is 2000 words

Candidates should upload their answer paper to Canvas using PDF of DOC/X formats only 

Please make sure that your submission includes the following:

Your candidate number (Do not put your name on your paper)

The title of the module and the module code 

Read Academic Integrity Statement 

You SHOULD NOT access online materials, notes etc. during this examination. You must complete this assessment on your own and in your own words. DO NOT discuss this assessment with others before the end of its 24 hour window. By submitting this assessment you confirm that your assessment includes no instances of academic misconduct, for example plagiarism or collusion.  Any instance of academic misconduct will be thoroughly investigated in accordance with our academic misconduct regulations.

If you have any queries relating to the text of the exam paper, you can email the School Office ( between 9:30-11:30am GMT on Thursday 13th January. Please do not contact the module convenor directly. If necessary, any relevant responses will be provided to all students at the same time through the Announcements page of the module`s Canvas site. 

  1. Discuss the partner selection process in international strategic alliances. In this regard, using a suitable example, discuss how firms can develop trust and long term commitment with their partner.

If you have technical problems during the assessment please contact IT services ( Please note that there will not be support available outside of 08:30 -17:30 GMT Monday to Friday.   

If you are unable to submit an assignment within the 24 hour window due to a sudden and unforeseen situation, please check guidance on Exceptional Circumstances. There is no late submission after the 24 hour window. 

Attempt any THREE questions

All questions are equally weighted

  1. Discuss the partner selection process in international strategic alliances. In this regard, using a suitable example, discuss how firms can develop trust and long term commitment with their partner.
  2. Discuss the different options in the process of post-acquisition integration. Provide a detailed example of at least one type of integration.
  3. What theoretical explanations have been put forward to explain the growth of outsourcing? Illustrate your answer with at least 1-2 examples.
  4. Discuss the different models of the internationalisation of research and development (R&D) activity using one example of each. In this regard, discuss conventional vs. reverse forms of knowledge transfer.
  5. Critically evaluate the range of political strategies available to firms in a global context. In this regard, discuss the performance implications of political strategy

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