As well as meeting the Merit criteria:
GD1: Understand of the subject
In task 1, your work will show insight into the complexities of defining normality and abnormality. You will show consistent judgement in your selection of the two difficulties to explain further.
In task 2, your work will be consistently relevant and tightly linked to the psychological approach and mental illness that you have chosen to cover. You will demonstrate an excellent understanding of how the psychological approaches interpret the mental illness, including but going beyond the main similarities and differences between the approaches.
In task 3, you will show an excellent understanding of how the psychological approach and treatment methods are linked and how particular treatments function
Across the tasks you will use specialist language appropriately and in the correct context.
GD2: Application of knowledge
To achieve a distinction your work you will use accurate and closely relevant examples to support your explanations and your analysis and evaluation of the different aspects of the issues and difficulties with mental illness. For task 3 your essay should include a critical evaluation of the balanced research included.
GD7: Quality
To achieve a distinction your work will demonstrate that you have read and engaged with the recommended reading and other sources of information, that you are able to discuss the issues without paraphrasing textual sources too closely and, where appropriate, are citing your sources accurately according to the Harvard System of referencing. Your writing will be evaluative throughout and combine the literature with your own insights in a logical and fluent style. In task 2, your slides will be laid out clearly, with careful consideration about how they might be used in a presentation – for example, using diagrams and images to avoid multiple slides with long paragraphs of text.