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1. An explanation of the legal system in United Kingdom and the difference between civil law and criminal law.

RQF Unit 7 Business Law - Purpose of this assignment

This assignment will test students’ understanding of how business law is applied to the running of a company. Students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of business law and the impact of the law on business operations and decision-making.

Section 1 – Nature of legal system on businesses

Task 1 – (LO1 & LO2) RQF Unit 7 Business Law

You are working as a paralegal in a law firm Archie Richie Lawson Solicitors – they specialise in commercial contracts and in the provision of legal advice for start-up businesses. A new client would like to know the UK legal system and key legislation that businesses are required to know and apply. You have been asked to produce a Start Up handbook for guidance to new companies in order to support their business advice section. The Start Up handbook must include the following sections:

1. An explanation of the legal system in United Kingdom and the difference between civil law and criminal law.

2. An overview of the sources of law in United Kingdom.

3. An explanation on the role of government in law-making and how statutory and common law is applied.

4. An explanation of the key legislation, regulations and standards that a new business needs to be aware of.

5. Analysis of the potential implications of law on a business. For example, copyright law, contract law, employment law etc.

6. Provide a critical reflection of the UK legal system using examples to demonstrate strengths and weaknesses

Task 2 – (LO3) RQF Unit 7 Business Law

In your role as a paralegal you have been invited to attend the Small Business Expo conference being held in the ExCeL Business Centre, London. You will be presenting as a guest speaker, giving presentation on how different types of organisations are legally formed, providing advice and guidance to businesses

This is a presentation task - You are required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation slides of not less 12 slides with extensive speaker’s notes and must consist of the following sections:

1. An introduction to different types and classification of business organisations in both the public and private sectors, providing specific examples to illustrate different legal structures.

2. A critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of different legal structures

3. Provide a critical evaluation of how different organisations are managed and funded in both public and private sectors e.g. limited companies, social enterprises, public corporations, co-operatives. Provide a specific example of each.

Section 2 – Legal solutions to business problems – (LO4) RQF Unit 7 Business Law

You have recently been appointed as the legal adviser of Regent Vision Ltd. The following problems emerge at the first board meeting.

a) The board is concerned as to whether they are taking appropriate steps to communicate with their employees as to how the company is fulfilling its obligations under the Health and Safety Act 1974. You are asked to write an explanatory memorandum for the next board meeting as to the legal requirements and indicate the steps which the company should be taking.

b) Charlotte is employed as an accounts clerk in the finance department of the company. She has been asked by a friend Daisy, who runs her own dress making business if she could do her bookkeeping in her spare time. Under employment law will Charlotte be able to accept this offer?

c) Nicholas Jakcob an electrician married with two adult children has lived and worked all his life in Newcastle. He has worked for the last three years for Regents Vision but due to restructuring and closure of the Newcastle branch, he was offered another job in London. Nicholas has refused to move to London. What are the implications of this refusal to both Nicholas and Regent Vision Ltd. Can Nicholas claim to have been made redundant?

RQF Unit 7 Business Law

Assessment criteria (please do not use this as questions, try to follow the tasks) Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Explain the basic nature of the legal system

LO1 & 2 D1 Provide a coherent and critical evaluation of the legal system and law, with evidence drawn from a range of different relevant examples to support judgements.

P1 Explain the different sources of law.

P2 Explain the role of government in law making and how statutory and common law is applied in the justice courts.

M1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the legal system in terms of recent reforms and developments.

LO2 Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a business

P3 Using specific examples illustrate how company, employment and contract law has a potential impact upon business.

M2 Differentiate between legislation, regulations and standards to analyse potential impacts upon business.

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