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1. Critically analyse the role of web systems within the enterprise systems landscape, including an appreciation of the design of such systems were relevant to web information systems.

Computing Programmes


1. Critically analyse the role of web systems within the enterprise systems landscape, including an appreciation of the design of such systems were relevant to web information systems.

2. Critically assess, evaluate and learn existing and emerging technologies and approaches relevant to the design of web based information systems

3. Gain synthesis of the business context and business role of web information systems and the related requirements, including aspects such as security, integration etc.

4. Appreciate the distinct design challenges in web based systems where the delivery platforms are diverse and not under application control (for example delivery to smart phones)


Your task is to analyse the case (provided below), design appropriate process models (to be included inside your paper as an integral part) and write a (single coherent) paper that presents an analysis of the case, addressing all the detailed requirements below. Most of the content of the paper should be related to the topics discussed in the lectures, but additional reading is expected.

Your paper should lead to a well-argued and supported conclusion in relation to the given topic. Your support could consist of a combination of practical experiments, literature and argumentation (other support is also possible). There is no right answer, you will be marked on your arguments and your understanding of the subject.

DETAILED REQUIREMENTS All these topics must be addressed inside your paper

1. Provide a conference review process models in BPMN. Also design and analyse the modelling constraints, modelling choices as well as modelling explanation should be included.

2. Based on the conference review processes critically discuss and assess both cloud and centralized architectures for the design of the conference review site. This includes critical appreciation of the involved technology.

3. Critically analyse the Business IT alignment of both central and cloud based architectures for the design of the conference review site.

4. Provide a comprehensive conclusion and recommendation based upon your modelling and analysis


You need to write a reflective paper of a maximum of 4000 words as well as appropriate process models. Abstract, list of references etc. do not count in the word count. Your paper must address the assignment brief, and in doing so touch upon the various topics covered in the unit.

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