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1. Demonstrate an understanding of operations management and factors affecting the design of products and processes within an organisation.

BSS042-3 Management and administration of operations

Unit title & code

BSS042-3 Management and administration of operations

Assignment number and title


Assignment type

Written report based on a case study

Weighting of assignment


Size or length of assessment

1800 words

Unit learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of operations management and factors affecting the design of products and processes within an organisation.

2.  Apply operations management concepts to plan and control organisations and their quality improvement.



What am I required to do in this assignment?

Assignment should be handed in by 10am of the submission date.

The unit title and code number must be clearly marked on the assignment top sheet.

Coursework must be submitted via BREO by the date and time specified.  Late work is not accepted, and will be deemed a fail and graded G(0) (no work submitted).  If you have/anticipate difficulties in meeting the deadline, please contact SID (Student Information Desk) to apply for Mitigating Circumstances as soon as possible.

The word limit is 1,800 words (including 300 words reflection) excluding cover page, executive summary, table of contents and reference list. Your cover page must have your full name and ID number.

All work should be word processed and presented in a professional manner. You must use a Business Report format. Pages should be numbered. Headings and sub-headings must be provided.

References must include academic sources.

Assessment 1: Business Report 

Business Report Task:

You have been asked to write a Business Report for Kiwanis International regarding the operations of the annual Pancake Day (Case Study below), to analyse the reasons for poor performance and recommending ways to improve operations performance.

The word limit is 1,500 words to address the following, excluding the cover page, executive summary, table of contents and reference list:

  1. Identify and discuss the reasons behind customer dissatisfaction with the Kiwanis Pancake Day, paying particular attention to operations management issues.
  2. Give justified recommendations to improve operations processes. Use a process map to demonstrate how your recommendations could be implemented. Support your recommendations with evidence and academic concepts, models and theories with references.

The report needs to follow a good academic report structure, including introduction, the main part (using meaningful headings), and conclusion.

In addition, you need to present a 300-word reflection in Appendix A of in-class activities for Weeks 4 and 5 of the unit. You should reflect on the experience of working in a group, researching your chosen operation, developing a process map and presenting to the class. You should also consider how the activities helped prepare you for writing this assessment and the experience of applying the process mapping tool to analyse the Case Study.

Additional Guidance

  1. The balance between presenting research and applying academic concepts– ensure that your report are balanced with regards to research and application of course concepts. For example, do not use a lot of space simply relating the information you’ve found from research, instead you need to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant academic concepts by applying them to the information gathered.
  2. Avoid waffling and be concise. Present directly relevant contents to your response to the assessment brief - avoid including irrelevant or tenuously-related material.
  3. Academic content – peer-reviewed academic materials are critical  and use limited online sources. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts and models through the citation of relevant peer-reviewed academic articles.
  4. Executive summary – an executive summary should be written in a way that allows the executive who reads it to know what the problem/situation is and the key findings of the reports or key recommendations to solve the problem discussed. An executive summary is not an introduction to the report, a place for background information on the company or a place to summarise the task/premise given.
  5. Presentation and structure – to achieve an excellent grade, your presentation also needs to be excellent – this includes numbering tables, referencing correctly etc. Do not present a lot of data and information in tables as appendices. Data or statistics that refer directly to your discussion in the main body, should be presented in the main body. Tables and figures – tables and figures need to be numbered and each should have a title that is self-explanatory. Your analytical content must be high, demonstrating critical thinking and the ability to apply relevant marketing concepts

Please, note that your cover page must have your Full Name and ID Number.


Kiwanis International is a global service organization dedicated to improving the world by helping children. The Durant, Oklahoma chapter holds its primary annual fundraiser the first Tuesday of November, which is also Election Day. The chapter sells and serves fresh pancakes throughout the day; therefore, the event is the Kiwanis Pancake Day. While serving in his first Pancake Day, Robert Howard, a new Kiwanian, notices service operations management issues such as long lines, spiky demand, and customers leaving before being served.

Robert’s Account

As Robert entered into the parking lot, memories full of mixed emotions overwhelmed him when he noticed the long line of people standing outside the entrance of the community center. Thrilled as he was to see that people were willing to pay money for their product, he was also nervous that those in line would get mad if they had to wait too long.

His days of managing a grocery store came rushing back. He could not help but recall the many times, on Friday afternoons, around five o’clock, every checkout lane open, every cashier working as fast as possible, as he stood ready to answer requests for check approval or to get change for a needy cashier. He avoided, when possible, making eye contact with customers in fear he would see the frustration in their eyes.

However, this was different. This was the first Tuesday of November, Election Day. In Durant, Oklahoma it was also known, as ‘‘Kiwanis Pancake Day.’’ Pancake Day, The Kiwanis Club’s annual event, is also its best fund-raising opportunity. The first Kiwanis Pancake Day, at Tom’s Lunch on December 9, 1954, raised $400. Now it’s over $12,000 and that is a lot of pancakes!

The Kiwanis Club of Durant, Oklahoma has a rich heritage of service to its community. For decades, the Club has created value for Durant and leadership development that extends far beyond the city limits. The Club’s signature annual event is Pancake Day, held the first Tuesday of November, always on Election Day. Pancake Day was an instant hit that grew into a Durant tradition over more than five decades. In 2010, the Kiwanis Club has over 100 members, all dedicated to serving the children of the community with activities that include the Elementary School Track Meet, Meals on Wheels, Families Feeding Families, Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, and the adoption of the Schuler Kiwanis Park on North Fourth.

Everyone was standing around talking, joking, and having a good time. After all, this was a charity event. The name ‘‘Kiwanis’’ means, ‘‘we trade’’ or ‘‘we share our talents.’’ It was coined from an American Indian expression, Nunc Kee-wanis. Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Kiwanis members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged, and care for the sick. They develop youth as leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research, and much more. No problem is too big or too small. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.

While Robert walked to his assigned shift at the ticket counter, he noticed several cars pulling into the parking lot, and then watched them turn around and leave after seeing the long line. He was not for sure how to take this. Were these lost sales, or were they people who had already purchased a ticket but opted not to wait in line? Either was a potentially dissatisfied customer. Robert made his way to his workstation and began to work.

This was Robert’s first time to help with the Pancake Day event and was unsure of what to expect. Most of the customers had purchased a ticket beforehand. Some were there to pick up take-out orders, and a few customers were paying cash. One take-out customer became angry when he had to wait in line with those who were eating there. The angry customer reminded Robert of the customer with five items waiting in line behind the customer with a shopping cart full of groceries. The purpose of having an express lane in the grocery store seemed to make sense. Nevertheless, at Pancake Day, everyone stood in the same line whether eating in or taking out, one pancake or one-hundred, prepaid with a ticket or paying cash.

Fortunately, everyone seemed to have a great time. Friends that normally do not have the time to talk were able to catch up on local matters and Robert saw a number of friends he had not seen in several years. However, the thought kept coming back. ‘‘How can we improve our service by reducing the waiting time?’’

Operational detail

Customers begin arriving at 6:00 AM, and no new customers are taken after 8:00 PM. Demand spikes occur at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with the dinner rush being the largest. If 2,000 customers are expected for the day, 620 (31 percent) arrive between 5 and 7 PM, which is about one every 12 seconds. The consequence is that during the dinner rush, the line extends to outside (and around) the building often with as many as 100 customers outside in the elements awaiting the fresh-off-the-grill pancakes

Dine-in and take-out customers wait in the same line. No data exists for what percentage of customers is take-out, but Kiwanians who have been involved for some time estimate take-out customers to be about 10 percent. However, take-out customers often place several orders (to take back to their family or place of business) and it is estimated the take-out customers account for up to 40 percent of total sales and cause lengthier waits for customers behind them due to order size.

Figure 1 shows the current system layout. Note that limited space exists for customers to wait inside and that once lines begin forming, it is possible that the line will extend outside the building. A single line exists that begins at the ticket pay station and continues to picking up plates, plastic ware, and napkins. At the pancake station, up to six stoves (griddles) are manned by Kiwanians who both cook and serve. A cook dispenses batter and cooks six pancakes at a time, which typically provides two servings of three pancakes. When ready, a cook must serve all pancakes before beginning another batch. Occasionally, delays occur because a customer does not recognize that a cook has pancakes ready to serve. Additionally, the cooks are friendly and often talk with customers while cooking and serving. Delays do sometimes occur due to lengthy conversations.

After a customer gets his fresh-off-the-grill pancakes, they moves to the meat station where a Kiwanian gives him a choice of bacon or sausage (or both!). Finally, a Kiwanian serves a cup of coffee, milk or water. Plated, the customer takes a seat at one of many picnic tables, where maple syrup and butter await, and enjoys his meal. The customer can return for more by going directly to any of the stations (pancake, meat, or drink). Currently, no data exists on how many customers return for refills, but experienced Kiwanians estimate that it is around 25 percent. When finished, customers leave after discarding their used plates, plastic ware, napkins, and cups in a trash can.

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

  • Describe the key operations management concepts and apply these to provide strategic insight to an enterprise.
  • Evaluate operations management / supply chain management scenarios and case studies and demonstrate how operations management techniques may lead to increased effectiveness and efficiency

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

In order to produce a high quality work, it is essential to use excellent quality and range of recommendations with clear input into discussion and conclusion of report. Moreover, the academic writing style and the structure of the report is very important making sure  that arguments are constructed academically and based on evidence with good design of the sections and good flow of ideas. Accurate referencing is also essential. Very good use of academic literature in connection to problem set and excellent overall application of multiple course concepts, models and theories is necessary to ensure a high-quality work that merits a good grade is produced. Please make sure to study and fully understand  the marking scheme in detail.

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The assessment is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the main theories and concepts discussed in the class. Hence your attendance and participation in the class plays a significant role in your success in this assessment.

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