1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives on the news media, crime and popular culture and a critical appreciation of their interrelationships.
1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives on the news media, crime and popular culture and a critical appreciation of their interrelationships.
Critically evaluate the role of news media and media effects on a topic of your choice.
In class Presentation Assignment type Presentation in class / PR-Oral Weighting of assignment 100% Size or length of assessment 10 minute presentation with Q&A Unit learning outcomes
1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of theoretical perspectives on the news media, crime and popular culture and a critical appreciation of their interrelationships.
2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Apply theoretical perspectives and concepts to concrete examples of news media and popular cultural representations of crime, criminals, victims and criminal justice.
What am I required to do in this assignment?
Consider the key media theories and concepts you have learnt about in the unit and apply those theories and concepts to an area of crime represented in the media. Drawing on your chosen crime, theories and concepts demonstrate a critical appreciation of their interrelationships.
1. Produce an A1 poster presentation, using text and visual materials (tables, diagrams, graphs, photographs etc), on an aspect of media criminology which presents a compelling argument and reports findings.
• The size of the poster should be A1, which is 594 x 841 mm (width and height).
• Set up a single slide in Powerpoint and set the size A1 and orientation- landscape or portrait.
• Think about the overall design and colour scheme and background.
• You can use images relevant to your topic. What images will you use?
• Font size should allow a printed version as A4 sheet to still be readable.
• What is the take home message of your presentation?
• You will need data/facts/ interpretation to support your message.
• These font sizes are a guide to make sure that your poster is readable.
• Main title in 72 point font
• Names of the authors 48 point font
• Use sub headings in at least 36 point font
• Make points in 24 to 28 point font
• Submit your references on page 2 of the ppt
As with any assessment it is important that you select a suitable font type. Typically, Arial or Times New Roman font types are used in assignments.
Think about your content: Research topic as title, Introduction/ background, How is the issue addressed by the media? Research method(s), Theoretical perspective/ theories and concept, think about ethical standards for journalism. Findings/Results, Discussion, Conclusion- implications- why does it matter?, Include References.
An example: Suicide by the Media- Journalists are hurting journalism with their reckless opinion-mongering. The romanticised reporting of euthanasia is spreading the contagion of suicide (Lau and Fernandes, 2018). This is the so called “Werther Effect” named after Goethe’s novel, The Sorrows of Young Man Werther. The protagonist’s suicide was blamed for copycat suicide of vulnerable readers. It is a phenomenon which has been documented and proven and the media can influence people’s behaviour through the way suicide is reported. Grounded in social learning theory, it is thought that fragile individuals who read stories romanticising suicide are led to believe it is a viable way to end suffering. Such stories extend to medically assisted suicide and the sympathetic glamorisation of the circumstances surrounding self- determined death. Until recently, the media has done its part to conscientiously follow guidelines on reporting suicides in order to minimise the contagion….
You will give an oral defense of your poster, which will involve a ten minute verbal presentation of the key message of your poster and its content, answering some questions in a Q&A. The audience for these presentations are other students on this unit.
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