1. Describe patterns of global human migration, including forced migration and displacement.
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Describe patterns of global human migration, including forced migration and displacement.
- Examine causes, patterns and responses to conflict and forced migration.
- Describe the experiences of refugees in camps, during settlement in host countries and after returning `home`.
- Explain forced migrants` socio-cultural survival strategies.
- Discuss legal regimes governing governing migration and responses to human mobility.
- Understand the relationship between migration and social change.
Thinking skills
- Analyse relationships between development models and crises of mass displacement
- Compare and contrast refugees` experiences.
- Critically analyse national and international responses to refugee movements.
- Critically assess discourses and regimes of exclusion vis-a-vis migrants.
- Discuss the relationship among human mobility, forced migration and social change.
Subject-based practical skills
- Critically assess the efficacy of different anthropological and sociological theories to the understanding of the migration and refugee experience.
- To be able to discuss contemporary phenomena in the media and relate concepts to global and local events
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Express complex ideas through academic essay writing
- Express complex ideas through individual and group presentation
- Develop advanced research skills with library-based and electronic resources
- Develop good practice in relation to management of time, workload and information
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