1. Discuss the complex factors in a multi-cultural community and how this impacts on the delivery of healthcare
HCR5003 Inter-Agency Working - Assignment Brief
As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Inter-Agency Working assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the complex factors in a multi-cultural community and how this impacts on the delivery of healthcare.
2. Understand the differing cultural needs of communities in the UK.
3. Evaluate the impact of leadership on a multi-disciplinary team.
4. Appraise the attributes of an effective multi-disciplinary team
Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and a word count; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in Arden University (AU) Harvard format. You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.
Maximum word count: 4000 words
Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a reduction in grade by the same percentage that the word count is exceeded
Assignment Task - HCR5003 Inter-Agency Working
Please note the following instructions:
- • You may select any organisation upon which to base your answers as well as the information from the case study
- • You are strongly recommended to select an organisation that you have worked for or one you feel you can research easily using the Internet and academic search engines. The latter approach is acceptable where you do not work in Health and Social care an organisation. It is also acceptable to base your answer on a case study.
- • Your assignment must be a single document in word or PDF format. *Note that Turnitin cannot accept multiple files or linked files.
Case study
Reshma is a 25yr old woman who immigrated to the UK from Bangladesh with her husband and children. Her children were born in Bangladesh and she recently gave birth to a male child. She had an arranged marriage in Bangladesh before coming to the United Kingdom. The family has struggled financially since they arrived in the UK. They lived in a council house but had no problems with rent because the council pays their rent. The reasons for their financial difficulty were due to recent cuts by the government in family income support benefits and the fact that her husband Ahmed is unable to secure employment. Ahmed and Reshma can speak little or no English, as they both had no formal education before coming to the UK. Because of this, they communicate less effectively with their neighbours and people in the local community.
Ahmed has now lost his confidence because he cannot speak English and always needs an interpreter whenever he goes to see the GP or when he has an appointment at the council. The interpreter service used to be free but the council has stopped paying for the service due to the economic downturn. Ahmed is usually seen in the morning, taking the children to school and going to bring them home. The children are kept indoors, as the neighbourhood they live in is not safe due to young men peddling drugs in the area. Ahmed and Reshma also come from a culture where excess body size or being overweight is seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Page 4 of 9 [288]
Please answer all the following questions
Question 1:
Using both example from your own practice as well as the information from the above case study: • Evaluate the complex challenges and opportunities of inter-agency working - with particular emphasis on the distinct cultural needs Ahmed and Reshma have to cope with in the UK.
To fully address question 1, consider the following:
1) How your identified challenges would impact on the delivery of effective healthcare services
2) Why do you think Reshma and Ahmed would face barriers while accessing healthcare?
3) What could potentially be the reasons for your identified barriers and how could inter-agency working impact positively on their wellbeing?
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts, models and appropriate organisational examples. Also note that your work must be presented with research evidence as well as practical examples to showcase the breadth and depth of your understanding.
Question 2:
In care provision, service users and carers may have complex needs, which may require different types of help being provided by a range of agencies:
• Analyse how lack of good leadership amongst healthcare agencies would impact negatively on Ahmed and Reshma, particularly within the excerpts of the principles of care ethics as well as the multi-disciplinary working initiative in healthcare.
• In reference to the case study above, outline some of the policy issues faced by Ahmed and Reshma, explain what you could have done differently.
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts, models and appropriate organisational examples. Also note that your work must be presented with research evidence as well as practical examples to showcase the breadth and depth of your understanding.
(1500 words) (40 marks) (LO: 3 & 4)
Question 3:
Amongst several other government initiatives, the government issued many policy documents – requiring collaboration to improve efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare services. As the direct result, a white paper “Modernising Social Services” in 1998 clearly stated that, “people do not fit into neat service categories, and that if partner agencies are not working together it is the user who suffers” (DH, 1998 cited in Community Care, 2019).
HCR5003 Inter-Agency Working - Question:
With the above understanding and in reference to the case study or own experience, evaluate the characteristics of multi-disciplinary teamwork in healthcare.
• Explain how effective multi-disciplinary teams work together in order to increase the chances of meeting Ahmed and Reshma’s family’s identified support needs.
You must draw upon relevant theory, concepts, models and appropriate organisational examples. Also note that your work must be presented with research evidence as well as practical examples to showcase the breadth and depth of your understanding.
HCR5003 Inter-Agency Working
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