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1. Explain theoretical and practical aspects of logistics and operations management in the oil and gas industry.

Logistics and Operations for Oil and Gas

Word Limit: 2,500 words (Plus or minus 10%)

Learning outcomes assessed:

1. Explain theoretical and practical aspects of logistics and operations management in the oil and gas industry.

2. Examine the difference and similarities in logistical and operational problems and solutions between service and manufacturing industries.

3. Determine methods of planning and organising efficient operations network.

4. Analyse behavioural problems arising from work organisation and methods to mitigating them in the context of operations strategy.

Assignment Questions

You have been newly appointed as the head of Operations and Logistics for a vertically integrated commodity trading company with extraction, transportation, storage, refining / blending and distribution activities. Your line manager has tasked you to write a report addressing the following:

1. To identify one of its main traded energy commodity products (Oil or Gas) and discuss four practical logistics and operations management challenges that your organisation faces alongside its activities (LO1).             (25 marks)

2. As a commodity trader, your organisation value proposition includes services provided to its B2B customers.

Your line manager expects you to discuss four logistics and operations challenges pertaining to the design and delivery of one of the services provided by your organisation and contrast the outcomes with the findings above (see question 1)  (LO2). (25 marks)

3. Furthermore, you are expected to describe how the chosen product (see question 1) supply chain network is configured and coordinated and critically discuss the economic and environmental performance of the network (LO3).  (25 marks)

4. Finally, bearing in mind your organisation´s operations strategy, you are required to discuss health and safety risks (both mental and physical) that staffs within the product supply chain face when handling various products and production equipment and recommend how the main identified risks could be mitigated (LO4). (25 marks)

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