1. Increase the understanding of the role of the nurse and skills necessary to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and prevent ill health.
Module Title: Promoting health and preventing ill health
Ref No HSC_6_025
Module Code HSC_6_025
Short Description
This module introduces public health concepts and contemporary public health issues, the principles of which can then be applied at an individual and population level and within a local, national and global context. This module of study is aligned to the NMC Standard Platform 2, Promoting health and preventing ill health (NMC 2018, Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses).
1. Increase the understanding of the role of the nurse and skills necessary to promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, and prevent ill health.
2. Understand the social determinants of health and the impact of inequalities on individuals, families and communities, and how nurses can contribute to the reduction of health inequalities.
3. Students will be able to compare and contrast different health promotion approaches and theories that support behaviour change at an individual and population level.
Knowledge and Understanding:
Examine the contribution of social influences, health literacy, individual circumstances, behaviours and lifestyle choices to health and well being
Intellectual Skills:
Apply knowledge of the aims and principles of health promotion, health protection and health improvement and consider and evaluate public health priorities, strategies and methods used with individuals, groups and communities.
Practical Skills:
Articulate and demonstrate the use of up-to-date approaches to behaviour change which enable people to use their strengths and expertise, and make informed choices when managing their own health and making lifestyle adjustments.
Identify, retrieve and analyse credible health data at a local, national and global level, and discuss how this may be used to improve health and prevent ill health.
Transferable Skills:
Support and enable individuals, families and communities to apply life enhancing activities.
The registered nurse will be able to understand and apply the aims and principles of health promotion, protection and improvement and the prevention of ill health when engaging with people. The registered nurse will understand the factors that may lead to inequalities in health outcomes and how the nurse can contribute to the reduction of health inequalities.
Module Title: Promoting health and preventing ill health
Ref No HSC_6_025
Module Code HSC_6_025
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