1. Read fiction and non-fiction critically, identifying the major theme(s) and/or arguments, and understanding the major points through textual analysis.
EAC150 - College English
Subject Description
College English is an introductory college writing and reading course fundamental to successful college studies. Through a variety of assignments and classroom activities, students will strive to develop the rhetorical and analytical skills essential to their success as communicators in college and upon graduation. Fiction and non-fiction will be a central vehicle for teaching writing.
Learning Outcomes: EAC150 - College English
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:
1. Read fiction and non-fiction critically, identifying the major theme(s) and/or arguments, and understanding the major points through textual analysis.
2. a) Construct an argument based on a critical analysis of the text.
b) Develop that argument in essay format by:
-limiting the topic
-formulating a clear thesis
-developing well-constructed paragraphs
-integrating textual support through quotation, paraphrase,and summary
-editing for unity, coherence, organization, and thoroughness
3. Find, assess, integrate, and document primary and/or secondary sources into their own writing according to current MLA guidelines.
4. Produce effective research writing through the completion of a research project.
5. Use correct English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence mechanics in all writing assignments.
EAC150 - College English
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