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1. Understand how to develop a strategy for space allocation in buildings

Unit FM4.18: Understanding space management for facilities managers

Learning outcomes

1. Understand how to develop a strategy for space allocation in buildings

1.1 Describe the rationale behind the development of strategies for space allocation (using example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies, and including cost considerations as well as issues such as optimal use of assets, employee retention, environmental impact and company brand)

1.2 Explain the principles of space allocation and space management (including reference to factors such as space to perform tasks, adequate through routes, clear exit routes, adequate light & ventilation, reflecting/rewarding rank)

1.3 Explain the relationship between space allocation and the relevant legislation and its impact on facilities management (supporting the explanation with examples of current legislation rather than attempting to develop an exhaustive list)

2. Understand the impact of structure and services

2.1 Explain the implications of structure and services on space use (using example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies)

3. Understand how to prepare briefs for space layouts

3.1 Explain the relationship between space allocation and the operational requirements of customers (supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies, and including how space can be used to help or hinder occupational synergies, efficient working and organisational aspirations)

3.2 Describe the technology available to assist in planning and managing space and the scope and limits of its capabilities. (providing example/s of available tools and showing how they help address the challenges of churn)

4. Understand how to programme and manage changes in accommodation

4.1 Explain the processes that Facilities Managers should follow when changes in accommodation are being planned and implemented and communicated to customers and others (including an overview of how general project management processes are applied in such cases, and the relevant channels of communication)

4.2 Explain the objectives that Facilities Managers should consider when changes in accommodation are being planned and implemented (supporting the explanation with example/s from the learner’s own experience and/or case studies, and relating the objectives to cost, time, quality and compliance requirements)

5. Understand new developments in the use of space

5.1 Explain the current and emerging innovative ways of using building space and what that means for facilities management (providing an overview of emerging patterns of working and their implications for facilities management, by reference to current journals and recommendations for best practice)

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