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1 Understand the organisation development process from a historical, theoretical and practical perspective.

CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity

Title of unit/s

Organisation Development

Unit No/s




Credit value


Assessment method(s)

Briefing paper

Expiry date

September 2020

Learning outcomes:

1 Understand the organisation development process from a historical, theoretical and practical perspective.

2 Understand various organisation development practices, models and approaches.

3 Understand the value of organisation development interventions to business performance and productivity.

Assessment brief/activity


The chief executive of a small but growing organisation has recently read an article on organisation development and is considering appointing an organisation development consultant to support an organisation change agenda. She has asked you as the consultant to provide her with further information in the form of a briefing paper. In the paper you should:


  • Give a brief analysis of at least two different organisation development schools of thought and practice.
  • Identify some of the key stakeholders, phases, activities, tasks and typical deliverables in the organisation development process.
  • Examine the key competencies required by the stakeholders in different phases of organisation development interventions.
  • Assess the link between organisation development and change management techniques and justify the selection of some of the tools that can be used in different phases of the organisation development process.
  • Provide some examples of potential success indicators of organisation development interventions and ways that progress can be tracked and monitored.

Assessment Criteria







2.1, 2.2




Evidence to be produced/required

A briefing paper of approximately 1,950 words in total.

You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.

All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).


Guidance for Assessors for: Organisation Development (5ODT) – LOs 1, 2, & 3

This guidance is for assessors only and should not be handed out to candidates.

To pass, candidates should provide a briefing paper of approximately 1,950 words in total which should reflect the guidance given below.

Candidates should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration.

All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).

AC 1.1

AC 1.2

AC 1.2

AC 1.3

Candidates should give a clear analysis of at least two different theories e.g. behavioural science, social psychology, motivation theory, learning theory, systems theory.

Candidates should give a clear description of some of the key stakeholders e.g. line managers, HR business partners, organisation development consultant.

Candidates should summarise the key phases from entry to termination and give examples of activities, tasks and deliverables at each phase e.g. assessing organisation need, gathering feedback, identifying outcomes and deliverables, proposing interventions etc.

Candidates should explain some of the key competencies required by stakeholders e.g. IT skills, HR skills, finance skills, ability to gather business intelligence, data analysis, interpersonal skills.

AC 2.1

AC 2.2

Candidates should assess the link between organisation development and change management techniques e.g. both can be used to build organisation capacity and improve organisation performance.

Candidates should give some examples of different tools and approaches and justify their use e.g. action learning sets, appreciative enquiry, focus groups, learning needs analyses.


AC 3.1

Candidates should give some examples of potential success indicators of organisation development interventions e.g. increased capacity for change, organisational learning, cultural shift, improved organisation performance. They should also give some examples of how progress can be tracked and monitored e.g. key performance indicators, balanced scorecard, employee surveys and consultations.

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