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1 Understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary organisations.

5HRF Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function

Learning outcomes:

1 Understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary organisations.

1.1 Summarise the organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and how these are evolving in contemporary organisations.

1.2 Explain the major theories of effective change management and how these are implemented and evaluated.

1.3 Evaluate the business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner.

2 Understand how HR objectives are delivered in different organisations.

2.1  Explain the different ways in which HR objectives can be delivered in organisations.

2.2  Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of different sizes.

3 Understand how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and organisation performance.

3.1 Discuss the main criteria and methods used to evaluate the contribution of the HR function

4. Understand the relationship between organisational performance and effective HR management and development

4.1Identify and evaluate research evidence linking HR practices with positive organisational outcomes.

4.2 Explain how high-performance working and investment in human capital impact on organisational practice.

Assessment brief/activity: 5HRF Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function
You are required to provide written answers to all five of the questions below.

Question 1

  • Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and briefly explain how these have evolved/are evolving in contemporary organisations. In your answer, provide a brief justification for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner.

Question 2

  • Give a brief summary of two different ways HR objectives can be delivered in organisations.
  • Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of different sizes.

Question 3

  • Give a short explanation of at least two major theories of change management, and illustrate how they can be used and evaluated.

Question 4

  • Your CEO has asked for a report on the contribution of the HR function to the business. In preparation for the report, give a brief summary of the criteria and methods available for use in evaluating the HR function’s contribution.

Question 5

In consultation with your tutor, select an article that identifies and evaluates research evidence linking HR practices with positive organisational outcomes. Briefly summarise the findings and state how convincing you find these to be. Conclude by explaining how high-performance working and investment in human capital can impact on organisational practice. 1.1 Summarise the organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and how these are evolving in contemporary organisations.

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5HRF Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function

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