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1. Understand the scope and extent of the facilities management function

Unit FM4.01: Overview of facilities management

1. Understand the scope and extent of the facilities management function

1.1 Explain the scope and extent of the facilities management function (supporting the explanation with examples of hard services, soft services and specialist functions that might be provided, rather than trying to provide an exhaustive list).

1.2 Describe the range and diversity of contexts in which facilities management services are provided (including public, private and not-for-profit sectors, and to in-house, outsourced (TFM and partial outsourcing) models).

1.3 Explain the relationship between the facilities management function and other business functions (including supporting the core business, managing the working environment, and adding value).

2. Understand the range of services offered by facilities management

2.1 Explain what is meant by support services (supporting the explanation with examples of soft facilities management, rather than trying to develop an exhaustive list).

2.2 Explain what is meant by building services (supporting the explanation with examples of hard facilities management, rather than trying to develop an exhaustive list).

2.3 Explain what is meant by office and building space and its effective management (including references to the cost of space, to space planning metrics (e.g. GIA/NIA), to the allocation of usable space for work, support and ancillary functions (e.g. circulation space, routes to evacuate the building ), and to innovative ways of cost saving (e.g. hot desking))

2.4 Explain the ways that properties and fixed assets are managed and maintained (treating separately property management, property maintenance, fixed asset management and fixed asset maintenance, and supporting the explanations with examples of the use of asset registers and maintenance regimes)

3. Understand the range of facilities management roles and responsibilities across different organisations

3.1 Explain the key management functions within facilities management (including budget planning and control, contract management, project management, task and team management, health and safety management )

3.2 Describe the various roles and responsibilities that a facilities manager could have within different organisations and at different levels (including reference to strategic, tactical and operational levels of facilities management)

4. Understand the importance of the contribution of facilities management in a wider business and social context.

4.1 Explain the principles of corporate responsibility and sustainable facilities management (supporting the explanation with examples such as promoting equality and diversity, environmental management, health and safety)

4.2 Describe the tools and techniques that can be used to ensure that these principles are operating within the facilities management function (including staff surveys, quality management and continuous improvement, supplier management, audits).

5. Contribute to internal and external customers’ understanding of facilities management using a range of communication methods.

5.1 Use methods of communication to ensure understanding of facilities management by both internal and external customers (explaining reasons for the choice of communications channels (e.g. face to face, email, newsletter, social media) and how the level of detail is matched to specific customer needs)

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