1. Understand the scope of the key UK and worldwide tourist destinations
HNC/D Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management
Tourist Destinations
Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the HNC/D programme you are required to submit an assignment for each module. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.
After completing the module, you should be able to:
1. Understand the scope of the key UK and worldwide tourist destinations
2. Understand the cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations
3. Understand how the characteristics of destinations affect their appeal to tourists
4. Understand issues likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations
Assignment Task
This assessment introduces the main tourism destinations, the cultural, social and physical features of those destinations and the issues and trends which affect their popularity. Visitor numbers, statistics and other relevant data will be analysed together with the issues which have affected tourism in the past and the impact these issues will have on a destination’s popularity for the future.
The tasks below are to be presented as a journal article
Task 1: Examine the main tourist destinations of the world
LO 1
This task will require you to interpret key statistics on the main tourist destinations. You will need to look at: UNWTO statistics and ABTA trends and examine the main destinations. Ensure you include relevant tables to aid your explanation and Harvard reference any statistics discussed.
Present your answers as a journal article
a) Introduce your article with an analysis of tourist destinations taken from the UK, Europe and the rest of the world (using the above sources). You will identify main destinations using visitor numbers and income generation. Explain the reasons for the patterns of growth or decline identified for major destinations. In addition, identify the areas which are the main generators (sources of tourists and income generation). (1.1)
b) Based on your research, conclude this section with an analysis of statistics to predict future trends of tourist destinations, identifying growing and declining markets. (1.2)
Task 2: Determine cultural, social and physical features distinguishing tourist destinations/ Explore how the characteristics of destinations affect their appeal to destinations.
LO 2/ LO 3
The second part of your journal article will comprise of an analysis of the features of top destinations.
a) For the UK, France, Cambodia and Romania analyse the cultural, social, and physical features, the use of a table may support your answer. (2.1)
b) Compare and contrast the features of the destinations discussed above. (2.2)
c) For one developing and one developed destination compare the key characteristics and evaluate how these characteristics affect the appeal for different visitor types. (in your answer include visitor types according to Smith (1977) and Cohen (1979). (3.1, 3.2)
Appeal: popularity, change in visitor numbers, types of visitors.
Characteristics: culture-behaviour; norms; lifestyles; stereotypes; needs and requirements; social aspects; values; traditions; customs; historical; wildlife; urban resources.
Task 3 – Research issues which are likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations.
LO 4
The final section of your journal article should analyse the issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations:
a) Using relevant sources of information - provide an analysis of the effect of political factors on both the visitor numbers and the generation of income for a tourist destination. (4.1)
b) Explain how responsible tourism contributes to a host community. (4.2)
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