1. Using Porter’s five forces framework, analyse the attractiveness of the airline industry in which Ryanair operates. Support your analysis with evidence from the case study. (20%)
Strategic Management in a Global Context
Case Study Analysis Word Limit: 4000 words +/- 10%
1. Using Porter’s five forces framework, analyse the attractiveness of the airline industry in which Ryanair operates. Support your analysis with evidence from the case study. (20%)
2. Conduct a value chain analysis to identify Ryanair’s organisational capabilities and use this analysis to identify the core competencies that can build or sustain its competitive advantage. (30%)
3. Use the Cultural Web, examine Ryanair’s culture and consider whether its culture has supported the successful implementation of its strategy. (20%)
4. Discuss how Ryanair has used their capabilities to grow their business through market penetration, market development and/or product development. Provide recommendations on how they should implement these future growth options. (20%)
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