1. What is the social problem or issue the organisation is addressing?
AI5203 – Planning and Fundraising in the Third Sector
CW1: Case Study (1,500 words)
Analyse the work of a “third sector” organisation of your choice, answering the following questions:
1. What is the social problem or issue the organisation is addressing?
2. How is it tackling the issue?
3. What resourcing challenges does it face in doing this work?
In assessing and providing feedback on your work, we will be considering the following:
• Do you understand what the ‘third sector’ is?
• Have you addressed the three questions?
• Do you have an understanding of the context in which ‘third sector’ organisations work either in the UK or internationally?
• Have you used appropriate resources in referencing your work?
• Have you referenced using the required Harvard Cite them Right style (see link below)?
AI5203 – Planning and Fundraising in the Third Sector
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