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(1) Which three training and/or developmental delivery methods would you undertake to ensure that all employees have acquired the necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge required? Justify your suggestions

HRD Summative Assessment Brief (MaxPlus Co.)


Title:  MaxPlus Co. “Going Digital” HRD Business Report



You have just been employed as the Head of Training and Development for MaxPlus Co. The company has been going for more than 50 years and is a market leader within the financial sector, but recently, it is facing a substantial decline in the number of its younger Millennial and ‘Gen Y’ retail banking customers, who are preferring instead to bank with competitor fintech banks. To reverse this situation, MaxPlus has decided to create a new ‘Digital Banking’ department, responsible for designing and creating new digital banking products and services. The new ‘Digital Banking’ department will consist of 10 experienced financial advisors (redeployed from other departments in Maxplus) and 10 new employees who are recent graduates in computer science and have been hired to design, programme and develop the digital banking interface software and data analytics.  


After having conducted a thorough Training Needs Analysis (TNA), you have identified the following attitudes, skills and knowledgerequired for the employees. The 10 financial advisors need to develop their knowledge of digitalization, while the 10 computer programmers require a working knowledge of banking and finance. You have also realised that the financial advisors and computer programmers need to communicate more as a team. The division would therefore perform significantly better if its members improved their teamworking skills. Lastly, you have recognized that all employees need to embrace the attitude of being adaptable to change in order to navigate ongoing disruptions in the digital banking sector. Moreover, the attitude of being customer focused needs further enhancement for all employees. MaxPlus seeks to strategically improve upon the customer experience it offers to compete with fintech banks and attract more customers.


As the new Head of Training and Development you are tasked with designing HRD interventions and justifying your choice of three HRD delivery methods to ensure that all the ‘Digital Banking’ employees can acquire and develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge required.


You are now asked to produce a business report for your HR Director, addressing the following questions:


(1)  Which three training and/or developmental delivery methods would you undertake to ensure that all employees have acquired the necessary attitudes, skills and knowledge required? Justify your suggestions with reference to the relevant academic literature.


(2)  How would you ensure the effectiveness of your three training/learning delivery methods? Taking into account contextual and environmental factors, justify why the approach and methods you have chosen are appropriate for the learners.


(3)  What practical problems might arise from conducting the training and development activities you suggest, and how would you deal with them?


Critically reviewing and evaluating the relevant academic literature on HRD is essential. This summative assessment will provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate analytical, conceptual and application skills in evaluating and dealing with complex issues relating to HRD management. It would also allow you to highlight your ability to provide strategic recommendations and solutions to training and developmental issues through the medium of a business report.





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