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1.1 Critically analyse the concept of managers as effective leaders | Unit 700

Unit 700: Leadership Qualities and Practice

Unit code: A/506/9126 RQF level: 7


The unit explores the links between leadership and management at the strategic level. Different leadership styles and underlying principles and concepts will be considered. The unit will explore how team performance can be evaluated and optimised to realise strategic business and operational objectives. The unit covers the links between strategic management and leadership, key leadership principles, theory and organisational strategy.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit 700: Leadership Qualities and Practice

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria

1. Be able to understand the relationship between strategic management and leadership

1.1 Critically analyse the concept of managers as effective leaders

1.2 Critically analyse the concept of leaders as effective managers

1.3 Critically evaluate the balance needed between the demands of strategic management and leadership

2. Be able to recognise leadership qualities that support organisational mission and values

2.1 Critically evaluate the role of the leader in the creation of an organisation’s vision, mission and values

2.2 Critically analyse how personal energy, self- belief and responsibility impact leadership styles and their relative success

2.3 Address how leadership can engender empowerment and trust and how ethical stance affects that and the overall impact on organisational practice

3. Be able to make use of different leadership strategies and understand their impact on organisational direction

3.1 Critically evaluate transformational leadership and the impact on organisational strategy

3.2 Critically evaluate transactional leadership and the impact on organisational strategy

3.3 Critically evaluate situational leadership and the impact on organisational strategy

The overall purpose of the level 8 units is to expose students to a range of models and concepts that they may not have come across when studying at level 7 or even at Masters level. The objective is to prompt further research and debate. It is paramount at this level to apply critical reflective thinking and challenge the models and concepts introduced in this guide and those discovered as a result of research.

Indicative Content: 

1.1 Critically analyse the concept of managers as effective leaders

Unit 700: Leadership Qualities and Practice

In this unit learners will be introduced to a range of models and concepts that they may not have come across when studying at level 7 or even at Masters level. The objective is to prompt further research and debate. It is paramount at this level to apply critical reflective thinking and challenge the models and concepts introduced in this guide and those discovered as a result of research.

Learners will be directed to reading and assigned core text. They will study a number of models, concepts and ideas which could be used to help improve leadership practice in the context of an organisation.

Many organisations and consultancy practices synthesise models and concepts to meet their own or their customer’s specific needs. Some of the models and concepts will include:

  • Organisational Maturity (CMMI)
  • The nature and principles of management
  • Managers and leaders
  • High commitment organisations
  • Leadership and management styles
  • Strategic leadership practice
  • Nature and principles of management
  • Leadership versus management
  • Living systems
  • Communications and Luhmann’s /Shannon’s view of communications
  • Ashby’s law of requisite variety and the transduction boundary
  • Culture
  • Strategy
  • Resources and capabilities
  • Context and the environment
  • Inter and intra organisational relationships
  • Emergent propertie

Suggested Resources

  • Zeynep, Kanungo, Mendonca, Organisations and Management in Cross Cultural Context, Sage Publications
  • Belbin, R. (2004) Management teams: why they succeed or fail. Amsterdam; London: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann
  • HANDY: Understanding Organisations. PENGUIN BUSINESS
  • GRANT, R. (2008) Contemporary strategy analysis. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell
  • KEW and STREDWICK, Business Environment, Managing in a Strategic Context, CIPD
  • JOHNSON and SCHOLES, Exploring Corporate Strategy, PRENTICE HALL
  • BROOKS, WEATHERSTON,WILKINSON, The international Business Environment, FT PRENTICE HALL
  • Schein, E.H, (2004) Organizational culture and leadership, 3rd ed, Chichester: John Wiley.
  • Ashkenas, R. et al. (2002) The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure, 2nd ed, Chichester: Jossey Bass.
  • Kotter, J.P. (1996) Leading Change, USA, Harvard Business School Press
  • Mintzberg, H., (2007) Tracking Strategies: Towards a General Theory, OUP
  • Ringland, G. (2004) Scenario Planning. Wiley
    • Trompenaars, F. (1993) Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business. London: The Economist Books.
  • Wong, L. (2010) `Postcolonial interventions and disruptions: Contesting cultural practices` in International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 10: 345
  • Banerjee, S. B. (2000) Whose land is it anyway? National interest, indigenous stakeholders, and colonial discourses: The Case of the Jabiluka Uranium Mine, Organization & Environment, Vol. 13 No. 1, 3-38.
  • Banerjee, S. B. (2011) Voices of the Governed: towards a theory of the trans local. Organization, 18(3), 323

One outcome of working through the level 8 units is that they can provide you with the foundation for a detailed literature review which could form the basis of further research at the doctorial level.

This unit guide is populated with some useful references each of leads to other references which could be explored to some depth. As you explore these references, it could be useful to build your own mind map or cognitive map to form the basis of your literature review which could form part of your doctoral proposal.

Useful references:

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Unit 700: Leadership Qualities and Practice

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