1.1 Critically analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in international organisational strategy | Unit 802
Unit 801: Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager
Unit code: F/506/9127 RQF level: 8
This unit is about strategic leadership skills required by directors and senior managers to successfully lead international organisational strategic activity working with partners’ buyers, suppliers, customers and competitors.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Unit 801: Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
1. Be able to identify personal skills required to deliver strategic leadership ambitions
1.1 Critically analyse the needs, goals and aspirations of organisations and people involved in international organisational strategy
1.2 Critically evaluate the strategic skills required of a leader to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitions
1.3 Critically assess the relationship between existing, required and future skills to achieve the identified strategic leadership ambitions
2. Be able to manage personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic leadership ambitions
2.1 Critically discuss the opportunities to achieve strategic
leadership development
2.2 Design a personal development plan to achieve strategic leadership development
2.3 Devise an implementation process for the development
3. Be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic leadership development plan
3.1 Critically assess the achievement of outcomes of the plan
against strategic needs
3.2 Evaluate the impact of the achievement of objectives on
strategic leadership ambitions
3.3 Critically review and update the leadership development
4. Be able to assess the impact of strategic leadership development on the success of international organisational strategy
4.1 Critically evaluate the extent to which the strategic needs
of organisations involved in international organisational strategy are met from existing resources
4.2 Formulate proposals to develop the strategic leadership
4.3 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of strategic
leadership development in achieving advancement of professional leadership practices in organisations
Indicative Content: Unit 801: Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager
In this unit learners will study a number of models, concepts and ideas which can be used to help manage team performance. Listed below are some of models and ideas which may help in understanding the scope and dimensions of “Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager”.
- Characteristics of multiple perspectives
- What do we mean by skills and competences?
- People skills and competences
- Behavioural competences
- Knowledge – carbon or silicon?
- Gap analysis
- Stafford Beer
- Organisational maturity
- CMMI levels
- What is the core group?
- What information flows easily through the network
- Structural progression of an organisation
- The co-location equals collaboration myth
- A theory of hierarchy (Elliott Jacques)
- A theory of networks (Karen Stephenson)
- The China syndrome
- Ashby`s law of requisite variety (Ashby, 1964)
- The two systems compared, Max Boisot
- The future is chaos
- Social network analysis
- Spot the difference employability v PDP?
- How would you assess outcomes against strategic needs?
- Fitness landscape
- leadership development plan
- What is Inter organisational strategy
- VSM based organisation
- Old and new business models
- On being a global company
- Language, culture and communications
- Shannon`s test
- Knowledge
- Communications
- Centralise or decentralise?
Suggested Resources
- Burnes, B ( 2009) Managing Change, London, FT
- Ashkenas, R. et al. (2002) The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure, 2nd ed, Chichester: Jossey Bass.
- Buelens, M., Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2002) Organisational Behaviour Euro Edition, 2nd ed., New York: McGraw Hill.
- Cascio, W (2005) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits, London: McGraw Hill.
- Hayes, J (2010) The Theory and Practice of Change Management, London, Palgrave Macmillan
- Kotter, J.P. (1996) Leading Change, USA, Harvard Business School Press
McGraw Hill.
- Noe, R.A (2008) Fundamentals of Human resource management, 3rd ed, London: McGraw- Hill.
- Schein, E.H, (2004) Organizational culture and leadership, 3rd ed, Chichester: John Wiley.
- Schermerhorn, J.R. (2008) Organizational Behaviour, 9th ed, New York: John Wiley.
- Watson, T. (2006) Organizing and Managing Work, 2nd ed, Harlow: Pearson Education.
- Yukl, G. (2009) Leadership in Organisations, 5th Ed, Prentice Hall: New Jersey
- Multiple Perspectives for Decision Making, Linstone H A North-Holland, N.Y., 1999
- The Challenge of the 27st Century, Linstone H A and Mitroff State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1994.
Journals: Unit 801: Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager
- Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Marketing Management
- European Journal of Marketing
- International Marketing Review
- International Business Review
- Journal of International Business Studies
- Journal of International Marketing
- Journal of World Business
- Harvard Business Review
- International Small Business Journal
Unit 801: Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager
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