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1.1 Evaluate the tender documents against the agreed criteria and assess whether the organisation is capable of meeting the tender requirements and has enough resources to do so

Complete all questions referencing supporting evidence in your narrative such as photographs or documents for performance-based elements. Include evidence that shows that you have engaged with the activity.

Aim for 100-200 words per question in your written narrative for performance-based elements.

Knowledge Elements have been coloured in BLUE where an academic answer is required and NOT work based evidence.

Aim for a minimum of 200 words per Learning Outcome for the Knowledge elements.

Please refer to the ProQual document and Cognitia unit guide.

Please complete the below box before completing this unit (if you don’t have an electronic signature you can type your name in this section).

1)  Be able to evaluate tender enquiry documentation

1.1 Evaluate the tender documents against the agreed criteria and assess whether the organisation is capable of meeting the tender requirements and has enough resources to do so





1.2 Identify and resolve any points of concern in the tender





Supporting Evidence


1.3 Identify and assess any contractual and legal issues which might affect the project





Supporting Evidence


1.4 Investigate the tender documents within budgets and tender time limits





Supporting Evidence


1.5 Draw accurate conclusions about tender requirements within the limits of the tender information which is available, and which provide an objective basis for making a decision on whether to make a bid





Supporting Evidence




























2) Understand how to evaluate tender enquiry documentation

2.1 Evaluate how the tender documents against the agreed criteria and assess whether the organisation is capable of meeting the tender requirements and has enough resources to do so





2.2 Describe how to identify and resolve any points of concern in the tender





2.3 Describe how to identify and assess any contractual and legal issues which might affect the project





2.4 Examine how to investigate the tender documents within budgets and tender time limits





Supporting Evidence


2.5 Evaluate how to draw accurate conclusions about tender requirements within the limits of the tender information which is available, and which provide an objective basis for making a decision on whether to make a bid





























3)      Be able to finalise and submit a tender

3.1 Identify and evaluate, realistically, the risks and opportunities involved in a successful tender





Supporting Evidence


3.2 Identify and specify any alternatives and/or qualifications to the original tender requirements to optimise the tender





Supporting Evidence


3.3 Modify the costs to take into account any external factors which may affect the cost projections





Supporting Evidence


3.4 Recommend a profit margin and payment schedule which meets the objectives and strategy of the organisation





Supporting Evidence


3.5 Check that the tender is complete and accurate and conforms to house style and make any necessary modifications





Supporting Evidence


3.6 Present and support the tender in a manner which maximises its acceptability





Supporting Evidence


3.7 Collate, arrange and submit tender information in accordance with procurement requirements






Supporting Evidence








































4) Understand how to finalise and submit a tender

4.1 Describe how to identify and evaluate, realistically, the risks and opportunities involved in a successful tender





4.2 Describe how to identify and specify any alternatives and/or qualifications to the original tender requirements to optimise the tender






4.3 Explain how to modify the costs to take into account any external factors which may affect the cost projections





4.4 Propose how to recommend a profit margin and payment schedule which meets the objectives and strategy of the organisation





Supporting Evidence



4.5 Explain how to check that the tender is complete and accurate and conforms to house style and make any necessary modifications





4.6 Explain how to present and support the tender in a manner which maximises its acceptability





4.7 Explain how to collate, arrange and submit tender information in accordance with procurement requirements





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