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1.1 Produce a detailed schedule of works which is accurate and contains a complete statement of the project needs and the range of services which will be needed

Unit 63 – Prepare procurement schedules and programmes of works in construction

Complete all questions referencing supporting evidence in your narrative such as photographs or documents for performance-based elements. Include evidence that shows that you have engaged with the activity.

Aim for 100-200 words per question in your written narrative for performance-based elements.

Knowledge Elements have been coloured in BLUE where an academic answer is required and NOT work based evidence.

Aim for a minimum of 200 words per Learning Outcome for the Knowledge elements. Please refer to the ProQual document and Cognitia unit guide.

Please complete the below box before completing this unit (if you don’t have an electronic signature you can type your name in this section).

Candidate Name: ____________________________

I confirm that the evidence produced is as a result of my own work

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1)      Be able to develop a schedule of works

1.1 Produce a detailed schedule of works which is accurate and contains a complete statement of the project needs and the range of services which will be needed





Supporting Evidence


1.2 Estimate the work content and time duration accurately





Supporting Evidence


1.3 Plan the schedule of works so that it is achievable with the resources available





Supporting Evidence


1.4 Calculate appropriate and realistic allowances to meet anticipated contingencies





Supporting Evidence


1.5 Draft the schedule of works in a format which is appropriate to the type and scope of the work





Supporting Evidence


1.6 Present the schedule of works to stakeholders, correct any conflicting requirements and agree amendments





Supporting Evidence


1.7 Present information clearly and accurately and reach agreement use a style and approach which maintains goodwill and trust





Supporting Evidence



















2)  Understand how to develop a schedule of works

2.1 Explain how to produce a detailed schedule of works which is accurate and contains a complete statement of the project needs and the range of services which will be needed




2.2 Examine how to estimate the work content and time duration accurately





2.3 Propose how to plan the schedule of works so that it is achievable with the resources available




2.4 Explain how to calculate appropriate and realistic allowances to meet anticipated contingencies





2.5 Explain how to draft the schedule of works in a format which is appropriate to the type and scope of the work





2.6 Explain how to present the schedule of works to stakeholders, correct any conflict requirements and agree amendments





2.7 Explain how to present the schedule of works to stakeholders, correct any conflict requirements and agree amendments




































3)      Be able to develop a procurement programme

3.1 Develop a detailed and accurate procurement programme in an appropriate format




Supporting Evidence


3.2 Identify within the procurement programme the lead times for ordering and receiving essential resources






Supporting Evidence


3.3 Identify any conflicting requirements and unacceptable variations in the procurement programme, recommend feasible alternatives, and agree modifications to the programme with stakeholders





Supporting Evidence


3.4 Integrate the procurement programme so that it is consistent with the requirements of the overall programme, statutory bodies and others who will be affected





Supporting Evidence


3.5 Monitor the procurement programme and identify modifications which would suit changed circumstances or which offer cost and time benefits




Supporting Evidence


4) Understand how to develop a procurement programme

4.1 Propose how to develop a detailed and accurate procurement programme in an appropriate format




4.2 Describe how to identify within the procurement programme the lead times for ordering and receiving essential resources           






4.3 Describe how to identify any conflicting requirements and unacceptable variations in the procurement programme, recommend feasible alternatives, and agree modifications to the programme with stakeholders





4.4 Propose how to integrate the procurement programme so that it is consistent with the requirements of the overall programme, statutory bodies and others who will be affected





4.5 Examine how to monitor the procurement programme and identify modifications which would suit changed circumstances, or which offer cost and time benefits






























Unit 63 – Prepare procurement schedules and programmes of works in construction

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