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3.1. Explain the process of homeostasis in the human body to homeostatic mechanisms

Unit:  APH13 SK

Questions to be completed/added to:

3.1. Explain the process of homeostasis in the human body to


 homeostatic mechanisms

 self-regulating process

 feedback control

 role of hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Current answer has this; BUT please add more; see above contents: a Harvard ref should also be included. This is for level 5 standard


To consider the feedback control, the endocrine system plays an important role in homeostasis as hormones regulate the activity of body cells.

Maintaining the stable internal environment requires adjustments needed to be changed within and outside the cell.

Release of hormones in the body is controlled through a stimulus (bondareva and sheikh ,2020)

Homeostasis is the process to maintain stability and balance within the body. It is also the ability of an organism to maintain the internal environment.


 3.2. Analyse the role of homeostasis for healthy functioning of the human body.

 How homeostasis maintains the healthy functioning of the human body:

 positive and negative feedback mechanisms

 examples of control, eg blood glucose levels, osmoregulation, thermoregulation, blood pH, respiration rate


A Harvard ref should also be included. This is for level 5 standard

Current answer has this; BUT please add more; see above contents:

Physiological parameters such as body temperature and blood pressure fluctuate in a normal range.

Maintenance of homeostasis require body to monitor its internal conditions. A point is the physiological value around which normal range varies.

From body temperature to blood pressure for levelling certain nutrients each physiological condition has a specific point

The negative feedback in homeostasis is a process to reverse a deviation from the set point.

It maintains the homeostasis throughout the body (Davies, 2016) physiological parameters  such as body temperature and blood pressure fluctuates in a normal range. Maintenance of homeostasis require body to monitor its internal conditions.

A point is the physiological value around which normal range varies.

From body temperature to blood pressure for levelling certain nutrients each physiological condition has a specific point.  The negative feedback in homeostasis is a process to reverse a deviation from the set point.

It maintains the homeostasis throughout the body (Davies, 2016).

Please add a lot more to the above, ensuring it flows and analyse.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

A Harvard ref should also be included. This is for level 5 standard

4.3. Analyse the role of genetic counselling for healthcare practice.

Please include:

4.3. Role of genetic counselling:

 provide information and guidance about genetic conditions and support  groups

This one needs to be fully completed

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