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A clear description of the boutique start-up concept accompanied by a justification of each student’s choice of concept. Evidence of the research carried out to put together




Assignment Brief


Module Title:

Retail Boutiques & Shopper Behaviour

Module Code:


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Submission Date:


Feedback Target Date:


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Word count


Submission Instructions:

This assignment is to be submitted electronically


  1. This assignment must be submitted electronically on the submission date
  2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective module on Moodle.
  3. Multiple drafts can be submitted up to the submission date.
  4. Please remember you must leave at least between submissions if you make changes to your work. Each submission will overwrite the previous one until the due date and time have passed.
  5. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
  6. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.
  7. Your citation needs to follow the Harvard style referencing.

The Assignment Tasks

An individual report of 500 words (+/-10%) divided into two sections:

Section A:

- A clear description of the boutique start-up concept accompanied by a justification of each student’s choice of concept. Evidence of the research carried out to put together this concept must be mentioned and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

Section B:

- The main customer profile (persona). This section contains an analytical perspective of the customer base for the intended start-up and a targeted persona(s) profile. Students must apply known segmentation criteria and tools to profile their customers, e.g. Acorn, Mosaic, and VALS; other tools may be used, depending on the characteristics of each student’s concept. There must be evidence of the student’s understanding of customer dynamics, trend adoption patterns, and ever-changing expectations of retail products and services. Evidence must be attached and references provided, using the Harvard referencing system.

Assessment Criteria:

Each task is being marked according to the following rubric:


Marking Scheme

Section A

Business concept and overview

Section A

Objectives, mission statement, values.

Section B


Target consumer profile







The business and product concepts are innovative, justified, clearly thought through, and based on demonstrable unmet needs and wants in the market. The USP has been identified and defended. Excellent application of boutique and business theory to practice. The trends have been reviewed and linked to the case. Logical structure and succinct description and analysis. Demonstrates an excellent ability to generate solutions for existing/future problems.

The SMART objectives, values, mission statement have been stated in enough detail. Excellent application of theory to practice. Thought has been given to location, and how it supports the proposition.

Target consumers (persona) identified and justified using relevant segmentation models. Excellent application of theory to practice. Demonstrates an excellent understanding of consumer/shopper cognition/attitude/behaviour.

The Harvard Referencing System has been applied exceptionally well.



The business and product concepts may be similar to other existing businesses, but they demonstrate unmet needs and wants in the market. The USP has been identified and defended. Above-average application of theory to practice. The trends have been reviewed and somehow linked to the case. Logical structure and succinct description and analysis.

Demonstrates a good ability to generate solutions for existing/future problems.

The objectives may not be SMART. The values, mission statement have been considered. A good application of theory to practice. Thought has been given to location, but it may need to be better linked to the proposition.

Target consumers (persona) identified but perhaps slightly superficially and further justification may be needed using relevant segmentation models. Above-average application of theory to practice. Demonstrates a good understanding of consumer/shopper cognition/attitude/behaviour.

The Harvard Referencing System has been applied well or with minor gaps.



The business and product concepts may be similar to other existing businesses and may not necessarily resolve unmet needs and wants in the market. The USP is not strong. Average application of theory to practice. The trends may have been superficially reviewed. It may lack in logic.

Demonstrates a fair ability to generate solutions for existing/future problems.

The objectives are not SMART. The values, mission statement have been considered. A fair application of theory to practice. Thought has been given to location, but it may be poorly linked to the proposition.

Target consumers (persona) is poorly defined and further justification may be needed using relevant segmentation models. Average / superficial application of theory to practice. Demonstrates an average understanding of consumer/shopper cognition/attitude/behaviour.

The Harvard Referencing System has been applied with some mistakes.



The business and product concepts may not be different to other existing businesses and may not necessarily resolve unmet needs and wants in the market. The USP is weak. Poor application of theory to practice. The trends may have been superficially reviewed or not considered at all. It may lack in logic.

Demonstrates a rather poor ability to generate solutions for existing/future problems.


The objectives are not SMART. The values, mission statement have been considered, however, the application of theory to practice is poor. Thought has not necessarily been given the location.

Target consumers (persona) is poorly defined and further justification may be needed using relevant segmentation models. Poor application of theory to practice. Demonstrates a rather poor understanding of consumer/shopper cognition/attitude/behaviour.

The Harvard Referencing System has been applied with mistakes.


E or below

The business and product concepts are no different to / are a direct copycat of other existing businesses and may not necessarily resolve unmet needs and wants in the market. The USP is weak or non-existent. Very poor application of theory to practice. The trends may have been superficially reviewed or not considered at all. It may lack in logic.

Demonstrates a very poor ability to generate solutions for existing/future problems.

The objectives are not SMART. Some of the values, mission statement have been considered, however, the application of theory to practice is very poor. Thought has not necessarily been given to the location.

Target consumers (persona) is very poorly / superficially defined and a lot of further justification may be needed using relevant segmentation models. Very poor application of theory to practice. Demonstrates a very poor understanding of consumer/shopper cognition/attitude/behaviour.

There are big gaps in the referencing system applied.



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