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a) Explains what HRM is and identifies the functions of HRM within LV=

Unit 3: Human Resource Management

The purpose of this assignment is for students to show an understanding and ability to apply the principles of effective Human Resource Management. The assignment is split into two parts:

Part 1: Purpose and scope of HRM and Recruitment and Selection Practices

Part 2: Employee performance, development and reward and Factors that influence HR decision making

PART 1 –The Purpose and Scope of HRM and Recruitment and Selection & the Application of HRM practices in the workplace

Activity 2

You have been moved across to the resourcing team within HR and have been asked to assist in resourcing for the vacancy of Personal Assistant (the job description for which is in Appendix 2). This involves carrying out the following activities:

a) Create a person specification for this Personal Assistant role – using the job description provided (Appendix 2)

b) Review the CVs provided from the three job applicants for the role of Personal Assistant (in Appendix 3), based upon the person specification, which you compiled for task a) above and decide which (if any) of the applicants you would shortlist for interview. You must give detailed reasons for your decision (based on your person specification and the nature/culture of the organisation).

c) Produce at leastsix competency-based questions to be asked at the selection interview for the Personal Assistant vacancy and justify your choice of questions

PART 2 - Employee performance, development and reward & Factors that influence HR decision making

LV= states that it “wouldn’t be the successful, fast growing, excited –about-the-future business today” if it wasn’t for its “great people”. In recognition of that, it has as a variety of HR practices from the range of learning and development opportunities to the combination of rewards and benefits for its staff, with a view to creating the most talented and motivated employees. Effective leadership plays an important part in bring these elements together to enable business success.

a) the learning and development opportunities for staff, from both an organisation and staff perspective

b) the rewards and benefits provided by LV= to its staff, from both an organisation and staff perspective

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