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A natural gas-fired furnace in a textile plant is used to provide steam at 130◦C. At times of high demand, the furnace supplies heat to the steam at a rate of 30 MJ/s.

MAE 336, Fall 2019 Design Project

Project Description

A natural gas-fired furnace in a textile plant is used to provide steam at 130◦C. At times of high demand, the furnace supplies heat to the steam at a rate of 30 MJ/s. The plant also uses up to 6 MW of electrical power purchased from the local power company. The plant management is considering converting the existing process plant into a cogeneration plant to meet both their process-heat and power requirements. Your job is to come up with some designs. Designs based on a gas turbine or a steam turbine are to be considered. First decide whether a system based on a gas turbine or a steam turbine will best serve the purpose, considering the cost and the complexity. Then propose your design for the cogeneration plant complete with pressures and temperatures and the mass flow rates. Show that the proposed design meets the power and process-heat requirements of the plant.

Project Resources

It is suggested that you employ the Python programming language (another option is MATLAB) for performing calculations for your project. You should consider the LyX document processor for writing the final report. Resources regarding these and other project necessities (drawing figures, performing literature review, creating bibliography) are available via the STEAM-I lab research website. First, login into the website by clicking here and using the credentials login: mae336, password: fall2019. The following resources can then be accessed on the resources page of the website:

• Python programming (Installation, engineering packages, and documentation/tutorials)

• Literature search and bibliography management (for finding research papers and creating a list of cited papers for inclusion in the project report)

• Drawing Illustrations using free and open source software packages

• LyX document processor for writing technical and scientific reports

Project Deliverables

Work in groups of three. Write a 10-15 page report (OneHalf to Double-spaced) based on your findings and analysis. The submitted report should be well-presented 1) providing an introduction and background for the problem based on review of literature, 2) clearly showing and explaining your mathematical calculations along with appropriate graphical illustrations, 3) a thorough discussion of the results outlining the significance and application of the findings. If you write a computer code for your analysis or have other additional calculations, attach them as an appendix to the report (not counted as part of the report page length). Upload the final report in PDF format as a single file on BeachBoard by the deadline given above. The BeachBoard upload link will be made available by December 1. Note that academic honesty is a must and copied or plagiarized work will not receive any credit

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