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Answer: Identify and explore the tensions that exist between the applications of international financial reporting standards designed to improve financial reporting quality and earnings management designed to avoid corporation tax liabilities

Identify and explore the tensions that exist between the applications of international financial reporting standards designed to improve financial reporting quality and earnings management designed to avoid corporation tax liabilities

Table of Contents

Introduction 2
Practices Performed by IFRS 2
1. Relevance 4
2. Authentic Representation of Information 4
3. Comparability 4
4. Data Verifiability 4
5. Timeline 5
6. Effective Knowledge 5
Tensions Hindering in Implementing IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Practices 5
IFRS and Corporate Social Responsibility 6
Financial Drivers and CSR Factors 7
1. Recruitment and Retention of Employees 8
2. Knowledge Building and Advancement 8
3. Reputation Management 8
4. Risk Management 9
5. Aggressiveness Market Positioning 9
6. Operational Productivity 9
7. Financial Specialist Relations and Access to Capital 9
8. Permit to work 9
Impacts of Financial Stewardship Theory and Agency Theory on CSR 10
Impacts of IFRS on Stakeholders 11
Conclusion 14


In the modern business environment, it has been significant identifies that tax avoidance has become a major consideration for the purpose of research as well as it captured the substantial attention of academic and practical implications. The development of tax avoidance has significantly contributed towards attaining the public attention for distinctive implications such like re-invoicing, corporate social responsibilities and cross-border transaction. In the specific consideration, it has been determined that tax avoidance is the main mechanism that can substantially offer the business managers with the advantage to divert the stakeholders themselves in order to attain business benefit. Identify and explore the tensions that exist between the applications of international financial reporting standards designed to improve financial reporting quality and earnings management designed to avoid corporation tax liabilities. The tax avoidance as per the literature investigation is an association with the revenue management.............................continued...

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