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As part of the medical insurance package, your company may receive a discount if they require their employees to use a particular hospital for any treatment or procedures that they have to undergo.



Portfolio assignment


In this assessment, you work for a large company based in the United States who wish to provide medical insurance for your employees.


As part of the medical insurance package, your company may receive a discount if they require their employees to use a particular hospital for any treatment or procedures that they have to undergo. The Financial Director, Paula Lane, has narrowed the choice down to three hospitals in the area: Meadowfield, Brightly and Tiverton.


The Financial Director has asked you to look at some data that he has acquired from an official government source that relates to the three hospitals. Each hospital is the same size, has the same number of staff, and sees roughly the same number of patients each year.


  • Meadowfield and Brightly offer a 15% discount if you choose them.


  • Tiverton hospital only offers a 5% discount.




Examine the tables of data for the three hospitals. This data appears on the VLE in the folder marked “ASSIGNMENT – HOSPITAL DATA.”


The two data files consist of:


  1. Hospital Data – Complaints Received. A spreadsheet that shows the number of complaints received at each hospital in relation to major medical procedures in 2018.


  1. Hospital Data – Patient Survey Results. A spreadsheet showing details from Patient Surveys run across the three hospitals taken in 2018.


You need to examine this data and then create a small data portfolio (no more than 1,000 words) that explains which hospital you would recommend your company to choose for its employees to use.


Using the data, create a briefing document that explains which hospital is your preferred choice




  • Write the briefing document as though you are addressing the Financial Director at your company


  • You need to use visual methods, such as creating graphs or putting the data into different tables, to help to demonstrate your findings if you wish to (you may earn additional marks for use of tables, graphs etc.


  • You need to indicate the source of the information in your writing.


  • They key to scoring good marks in this assessment is looking at the numbers and explaining what they mean


NB: Numerical information given in tables is not included in the word count.



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