Automate the planning, organising, coordinating and controlling of catering business transportation activities (12 month project);
Module title Project Management
CRN 39348 Level 5
Assessment title Assessment 1 – RESIT Develop a Business Case and a Project Plan
Assessment task details and instructions You required to work individually on a selected project of your own from the list on the next page: You must complete both parts of this assignment as follows:
STEP 1: Please select a project from the following list:
• Automate the planning, organising, coordinating and controlling of catering business transportation activities (12 month project);
• Increase visibility in global shipment of any chosen company (12 month project)
• Change from paper based to electronic procurement system of a chosen company (6 month project);
• Organise charity fundraising for a local charity in your area (6 month project);
• Redesign the layout of Salford Business School to be implemented by September 2021;
• Organise an academic conference on Project Management in Salford Business School in January 2021;
• Plan the graduation ceremony for The University of Salford in July 2020;
• Set up a website for a student society in Salford University (3 month project);
• Set up a party promotion business in your local area (3 month project);
• Planning a mobility assistance application for disabled rail passenger (6 month project);
• Plan the process of merging two coffee shop businesses in Manchester city centre (12 month project);
STEP 2 – Develop a business case for your chosen project You need to develop a business case and a project plan seeking justification on why this project should be approved. Your business case and project plan should include the criteria listed below, and propose how the project can deliver enhanced stakeholder value.
• Project mission; Aims and Objectives;
• Stakeholder expectations and engagement management;
• Performance Measurement and Management of Quality;
• Planning , Scheduling and Resource Utilisation
• Gantt Chart with milestones;
• Constraints and Risks Management;
• Costing and Economic evaluation;
• Considerations of the project impact and value generation;
• Project handover and future considerations (for the operational product/service lifecycle) You will need to take the following into account when completing your assignment.
• Establishment of relevant theory;
• Allocation of credit and sources used; Clarity of argument and relevance to the project management context;
• Overall report presentation including spelling and grammar;
• Adherence to nominated word limit.
Please follow a report format. Therefore, you should have a title page, contents page, sections and sub sections, page numbers, appendix section etc. Please note if you are uncertain on how to present and structure a report then visit the university library and ask for assistance.
Please do use diagrams, illustrations, tables, graphics etc. wherever these are helpful, and remember that these do not count towards your word limit. If you do use these, please do not put them in the appendices if they are part of your discussion. Appendices are the appropriate places to put supporting material, however, remember if the reader is satisfied with the main points of your discussion; the supporting information within the appendices may not even be reviewed. Please try to use theory explicitly at all stages, but do not spend too much time describing a theory. While you must be explicit about the theories, models, techniques etc. that you use, you can assume that the reader is familiar with them.
What the reader requires is evidence of your ability to understand and apply the theory and learn from in order to support the development of your findings and/or ideas. You must cite all sources on which you have relied, for example textbooks, journal articles, web pages etc. using the Harvard Bibliographic referencing system. If you do not cite all sources, then you may be accused of plagiarism, and that may endanger your success in passing the module. If you are in any doubt about how to reference your work, please obtain guidance from the library and/or your academic librarian(s) for this module.
On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding.
1. Recognise the role and significance of project planning within the international business environment
2. Identify project management requirements across a range of organisational contexts and structures
3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of a broad range of issues/techniques relating to project management including: planning, scheduling & resourcing, communications, team working and risk management
4. Use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake project management problems, evaluating alternatives and proposing solutions Transferable/Key Skills and other Attributes.
1. Effectively plan a project;
2. Demonstrate an appreciation of the difficulties of solving the practical difficulties that may arise in relation to projects and to have gained experience in searching for solutions to such difficulties;
Module Aims
• To develop knowledge and critical understanding of the principles of effective project management within a global business context and the ways in which these principles have developed
• To facilitate an understanding of project management skills techniques, methods and tools and their application and limitations
• To enable students to acquire competences and develop existing their skills to propose solutions to the management of projects within a range of eventual career options
Word count The maximum word count is 3000 words (+/- 10%). Your word count is from the introduction to conclusion sections. Therefore, it does not include title page, contents page, reference section, appendices etc. If the assignment exceeds these limits; the work in excess of 3000 is not marked.
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