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Be able to explain the factors that affect an organisation’s talent planning, recruitment and selection policy

Summative Assessments for Resourcing Talent


ICS Learn | Student Community


Home Course for CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in Human Resource Practice (R64-HRPOLC03)


Summative Assessments for Resourcing Talent


Please read this page  - it explains all the summative assessments that need to be completed for this unit.

Table of contents

1. Learning Outcomes

The assessments in this unit have been designed to assess the following learning outcomes: 

  1. Be able to explain the factors that affect an organisation’s talent planning, recruitment and selection policy 
  2. Be able to identify appropriate recruitment and selection methods 
  3. Be able to contribute to the recruitment and selection interviewing for a role 
  4. Understand the importance of effective induction. 

All assessments are detailed in this book, read all the way to the end to see what you must do to complete all assessments for this unit.  

Print this book

2. Resourcing Talent Written Assessment

This is the first written part of the assessment that you must submit and pass before you attempt the skills demonstration (Mock Interview). 

For this initial assessment there are two tasks that you must submit in the one document

2.1. Task 1

Task 1 

Think about the following and write a 500 word answer: 

  1. What are the benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce? (give at least 3 benefits) 
  2. What factors affect your organisation’s approach to recruitment and selection? (eg legal and regulatory framework, ethics, time, cost – give at least four factors which include consideration of the organisation’s business objectives and the economic environment). Explain a little about your organisation so that your answer can be understood. 
  3. What factors affect your organisation’s approach to employee resourcing and talent planning (give at least four factors including the organisation’s business objectives and the economic environment). 

Remember that you will need to use this knowledge during your skills demonstration assessment (Mock Interview). 

Create your answers for Task 1 and 2 in one word document. Save the word document in your computer.

2.2. Task 2

Task 2 

During the skills demonstration assessment you will be required to carry out a selection interview for the role of a Call Centre Operator. You will have an ‘interviewee’ with the CV shown in the Student Community Curriculum Vitae for Sam Waters.  

In preparation for the Mock Interview write: 

  • A review of three different recruitment methods that can be used, and when it is appropriate to use them 
  • A review of three different selection methods that can be used, and when it is appropriate to use them 
  • A job description for this role 
  • A person specification for this role 
  • An advertisement and where you would place it 
  • A list of criteria that you would use to short list a person for this role (these must be derived from the job description and person specification). 

Be sure that you have prepared appropriately for the interview and have a copy of the material you have created above to help you.

Create your answers for Task 1 and 2 in one word document. Save the word document in your computer. 

2.3. How to submit your Resourcing Talent Written Assessment

Go to the Assessment Centre in your Home Course and find the section for the Skills Demonstration Units - Summative Assessments 

Click on the Log in to Pebbelpad link -

If you don`t see the Login to Pebblepad link this will be because you haven`t done the following:

  1. Chosen your optional units and
  2. Answered the feedback questions - I am now ready to use Pebblepad to upload my first Skills Demonstration Assessment

From the Pebblepad Home Page click on `Resources`. 

You should then click on the worksheet `Resourcing Talent Written Assessment` and upload your word document to this worksheet.

Instructions on how to submit assessments in Pebblepad are available in PDF`s in the Student Community, see How to upload an assessment in Pebblepad.

3. Resourcing Talent - Mock Interview Preparatory Requirements

Once you have been given a pass in the first two tasks you can then organise your online skills assessment. 

Please note:- to allow us to confirm your identity you will need to upload a copy of photographic ID (e.g. driving licence/student card/passport) along with your video of the Mock Interview. You will see a location in the worksheet to allow you to upload it.   

Preparatory Requirements 

The skills assessment for this unit is a mock interview. You should ensure that you can have access to a suitable location to film your mock interview. 

You should ensure that you have a suitable device to record the mock interview that will allow your tutor to fully observe both yourself and the person you are interviewing. 

You should practice with your recording equipment so that you are aware of the best position and settings for your video recording device. The Video Setting Tips document in the Student Community may help you. 

As a responsible professional it is your responsibility to ensure that all participants in the mock interview are happy for the session to be recorded. The video recording will not be shared with any external parties to ICS Learn other than for assessment purposes. You should not share it with any external parties yourself.

Please be aware that the video may take up a large amount of memory. You should follow the Video Setting Tips document in the Student Community to make the best use of your device during filming. 

You are recommended to use the Pebble Pocket app to upload your video as this will condense your video as it uploads it to PebblePad. You should use WiFi, where possible, to upload your video to avoid data charges. Follow the instructions in How to use Pebblepocket to upload your video to Pebblepad as an asset.

If you have some reason why you cannot record a video, please contact Student Services for advice.

See the content required for Task 3 on the next page.

3.1. Task 3 (Mock Interview)

Task 3 (Mock Interview)

Your colleague/fellow student or another person provided by yourself will be the ‘interviewee’ with the CV provided on the Student Community. You should also review the Observation Checklist (available on the Student Community) to check what your tutor will be looking for when they mark the skills assessment. 

The person taking the part of the interviewee must prepare for it as well, so make sure that if they are your nominated person they are briefed well and give them all the information, you don`t need to create a script for them. Their role is not to make the interview difficult or easy for you but to act as a reasonable individual would in this situation using the information they have about the interviewee. Be sure that you have prepared appropriately for the online selection interview. 

The interview should be a maximum of 15 minutes, including welcome, introduction and close. 

You should cover the following in the interview. 

  • Welcome the interviewee 
  • Small talk to put them at their ease 
  • Introduction 
  • Interview including competency based questions
  • Closing 

Before you record the interview

3.2. How to upload your Resourcing Talent Mock Interview

Once you have recorded the Mock Interview, save it on your computer.  Go to the Assessment Centre in your Home Course and find the section for the Skills Demonstration Units - Summative Assessments.

Click on the Log in to Pebbelpadlink -  

From the Pebblepad Home Page click on `Resources`.  

You should then click on the worksheet `Resourcing Talent Mock Interview` and upload your video recording to this worksheet.

Instructions on how to submit assessments in Pebblepad are available in PDF`s in the Student Community, see How to upload an assessment in Pebblepad .

Your tutor will give you a copy of feedback for your mock interview on the Observation Checklist document which you will able to view in Pebblepad.

After you have submitted this assessment you should move on to do the Induction Assessment.

4. Resourcing Talent Induction Assessment

Task 4

Write a 500 word answer to ALL the following questions: 

  1. What records need to be retained in relation to the recruitment activity (identify the legal requirements)? 
  2. Write a letter of appointment to the role (and a letter informing unsuccessful applicants) 
  3. What induction approach would you use for this role and why? 
  4. Explain at least three purposes of induction and how they benefit individuals and organisations 
  5. Write an induction plan that identifies areas to be covered, timelines and those involved in the process.   

Create your answers for Task 4 in one word document. Save the word document in your computer. 

4.1. How to upload your Resourcing Talent Induction Assessment

Go to the Assessment Centre in your Home Course and find the section for the Skills Demonstration Units - Summative Assessments 

Click on the Log in to Pebbelpadlink -  

From the Pebblepad Home Page click on `Resources`. 

You should then click on the worksheet `Resourcing Talent Induction Assessment` and upload your word document to this worksheet.

Instructions on how to submit assessments in Pebblepad are available in PDF`s in the Student Community, see How to upload an assessment in Pebblepad.

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