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BSS050-6 Strategic Management by Assignment Experts UK

BSS050-6 Strategic Management

Based on the analysis provided for Study Active UK in Assignment 1 (improved if needed based on feedback received), your assignment 2 will be in the form of a case study. The exact presentation style will be at your discretion but should be a professional, business like report.  It should also use Harvard referencing. For guidance, the report should include

  1. Identification of the possible strategies at the corporate and at the business level including a justification of those possible strategies
  2. Critical evaluation of the different possible scenarios using strategic models
  3. Your recommended route forward: explanation of the scenario chosen and critical analysis of the implications.

The report should be based on the analysis (internal and external) of the firm performed in Assignment 1.  However, given the words count, you should focus on presenting and justifying your recommendations. It is not therefore necessary to repeat assignment one but key points should be used to help show why some strategic options are rejected or preferred,

The assignment should be 3600 words in length, (+/- 10%) The word count does not include appendices, references, bibliography, or other supporting material which are additional and do not contribute to your grade.  Include only those things which you would include in a professional business report or which are essential background for markers if you are writing about a less well-known business.

You should not waste words describing what the tools are used for or how they are used. This kind of ‘literature review’ approach is likely to result in a poor grade. The emphasis should be on using the analysis to develop options and strategic choice

BSS050-6 Strategic Management

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF) BSS050-6 Strategic Management

In order to pass Assessment 2 you will need to:

  • Generate and design a coherent strategy based on a logical decision making process backed up by relevant qualitative and/or quantitative data
  • Evaluate and justify the proposed strategy referring to evidence based analysis and selection of appropriate strategic framework
  • BSS050-6 Strategic Management

1. The strategy selection and justification:

Use the analysis developed in assignment to develop viable strategic scenario. Evaluate those scenarios and justify your choice based on strategic framework and logical analysis

2. The structure:

Flexible. You can describe the theory you intend to use to support your standpoint, and then use practical situations to reinforce your work. There is no fixed order to structure this assignment.

3. The link between theory and practice:

Remember to relate the two together sufficiently! You need to relate the theory to evidence in your assessment. The evidence needs to be specific. Don’t use generalised and anecdotal evidence.

4. Use of literature:

Use academic source, i.e. books, journal articles etc. Refer to respected industry sources DO NOT overuse the Internet, do not use and / or quote from Wikipedia.


You are required to use proper in-text reference and the reference list in the end using the Harvard Referencing System.

5. The writing:

Try to approach this assignment in a logical and systematic way. Make sure you have a logical structure, a convincing argument, clear description of the situations which ‘set the scene’, and clear explanation which relate to theories, and a conclusion that draws your argument together.

Overall do not describe the strategic framework but use them to justify your choices. BSS050-6 Strategic Management

How will my assignment be marked?

Your assignment will be marked according to the threshold expectations and the criteria on the following page. You can use them to evaluate your own work and consider your grade before you submit.

BSS050-6 Strategic Management

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