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BTEC Level 4 HNC in Health & Social Care

In this paper, you have to conduct a research project whose core theme is Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC in Health & Social Care. You are supposed to develop comprehension in the usage of tools and methods that are suitable for research in health and social care. Plan and outline an organized framework for the research including research proposal, introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, discussion, conclusion and ethical consideration. 


Assignment brief

Unit number and title

Unit 6:  Research Project


Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC in Health & Social Care

Start date





Assignment title

Research Project

Purpose of this assignment

This unit is designed to develop learners’ understanding and confidence in the use of techniques and methods appropriate for research in health and social care. Learners will be expected to consider the elements that make up formal research, including the proposal, and methodologies. They will also action plan carry out the research and presenting their findings. Learners will also consider ethical aspects of formal research.

The topic of the research project is dependent on the learner’s focus of interest within the context of their programme of study and experience in health and social care, with due regard to ethical constraints of research in this sector. The unit gives learners the opportunity to draw together learning from several aspects of their study into a coherent holistic piece of work that makes a positive contribution to their area of interest. Learners should seek approval from their tutors before starting the study.


Background/ Preparatory Section – BEFORE STARTING YOUR RESEARCH

  As a final year student on a HND in Health and Social Care Management programme, you will need to undertake a research project related to a specific area of own interest related to the health and social care practice.

è We would like to:

-          Advise you to firmly locate your research interests in established literature and practices.

-          Remind that this unit constitutes an introduction to academic research

-          Encourage you to start your exploration from the already known areas of knowledge, which were acquired from other units of study from Year 1, i.e. please explore the following areas of knowledge to find inspiration for your own research interest:

         + Organizational influences (Unit 25, Task 2)

         + Professional Relationships (Unit 4 LO3, WP 1.2., MHR 4.2.)

                       + Team work (Unit 4 LO4)

+ Skills, development, latest trends (Unit 4, 1.3., 2.1., 2.2, HS, 2.1., 2.2. 3.3., USN 1.1. , 1.2., 2.3., 3.1., 3.2.)

è After completing this, please follow the process below:

a)      Refer back to own knowledge: you can watch again the video interview you have done with Unit 25 (task 2)

b)      Explore and Choose: read the following research themes in HSC ( and chose one theme that best connects to the interview that you have conducted. The themes below would have some links to established and relevant research literature, which can be used:

·         Ageing and later life

·         Children, young people, parenthood and families

·         Death, dying and bereavement

·         Living with disability and long term conditions

·         Reproduction, sexualities and health

c)       Develop this further into a Personal Research Choice: once you have chosen one of those theme attempt to read and watch all the information connected to it from the link and then decide on one narrow area of personal interest that you will like to research in this unit. Think about some research questions that you would like to find answers for.

d)      Decide where to research: our advice will be that – as this is an introduction to academic research- to have a combination of:

-  desk-based research (90% of your project based on this)  - either as a secondary research (explore what other researcher have done on the topic) or try to research by yourself on different websites of direct relevance to your own research interest. As a suggestion, you can explore sites like the following:, where you can find patient stories (clustered on different themes) of health and illness, which can become your data for further analysis.

-  Own field work (10% of your project based on this) – research in your own organisation etc.

Summary of the required tasks

Chapter 1: Research Proposal and Short Literature Review (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4., 1.5., 2.1.) – 1000-2000 words (Formative Submissions (on 10 week, end of Teaching Block A)

a)      Research proposal.

b)      Literature review.

Chapter 2: Research Diary (2.2., 2.3.) – around 600-800 words

Chapter 3: Analysis (3.1., 3.2., 3.3.) – around 1000 words

Chapter 4: Peer-to-Peer Viva with Transcript (4.1.) – 20-30 min video or audio plus around 500 words transcript.

-          Submission of Final Work - All Chapters (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4) – week 30 (end of Teaching Block C)


Chapter 1: Research Proposal and Short Literature Review (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4., 1.5., 2.1.) – 1000-2000 words

[Research Proposal Form– which includes a section on Ethical Clearance- is being provided separately on elearning]

a)      Use the Research Proposal Form for presenting your answers for 1.1., 1.2., 1.4., 1.5., and 2.1.:

  • Based on the steps you have taken from the Preparatory Section above, identify the factors that you found to contribute to the process of your research project selection (1.2.)  
  • Following on from this, formulate and record possible research project outline specifications (1.1.). Here you need to identify at least one research question or hypothesis.
  • Produce a research project specification by developing a relevant Research Methodology (1.4).
  • In connection to the previous point, provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification (1.5).
  • Finally, you will need to match resources to the research question or the hypothesis in a way that these would be addressed in an efficient manner (2.1.).

b)      Identify Relevant Literature related to your chosen topic and undertake a critical review of key references, including appropriate theories and concepts (1.3, D1).

Chapter 2: Research Diary (2.2., 2.3.) – around 600-800 words

[Research Diary is being provided separately on elearning]

  • After your Research Proposal has been approved, you will now need to start your research. Throughout the process of your research, you will need the keep a Research Diary to keep track of the different tasks that you are undertaking as well as reflect on the experience as well. Your Research proposal will need to have two sections:

a)      A record – min. 2 entries per week, as well as throughout the duration of the project- of the entire undertaking of your research investigation (2.2.)

b)      A record and reflection on the collation of the relevant data (desk-based or during own field work) for your research. Please note that your diary can be seen as an additional set of research data, which is to be considered if needed (2.3.).  

 Chapter 3: Analysis (3.1., 3.2., 3.3.) – around 1000 words

In this part of your work, you will need to take a closer look at your collected data (from own desk-based research or fieldwork) and attempt to make sense of it as well making recommendations for the future. Your Analysis will need to be structured in three sections:

a)      Start by demonstrating an understanding of why your proposed evaluation techniques are relevant and useful.

b)      Use these evaluation techniques (3.1.) by proceeding to the interpretation and analysis of your data and results (3.2.)

c)       Based on your evaluation techniques and the results of your analysis, make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration.

Chapter 4: Peer-to-Peer Viva with Transcript (4.1.) – 20-30 min video or audio plus around 500 words transcript.

–        During your Viva, you will need to firstly present (approx. 10 min) your research findings to a group of up to three colleagues. Colleagues (peers) will then start to ask their questions (one each).

–        You will use an appropriate questioning and answering format during your Viva. Some sample questions will be provided to you and your colleagues (peers) to serve as a basis for your own set of questions development.

–        Your Viva will need to be recorded and transcribed. The transcript will need to be submitted with your research project work.


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