Carry out research and produce an explanatory report for senior managers which covers the following a definition of CSR
In this task, you are required to complete two assignments. The first task is to create an explanatory report based on CSR and its aspects such as changing attitudes, regulatory framework, environmental issues, etc. Moreover, in the second task you have to answer certain questions based on benefits of CSR and its important aspects such as impact of CSR on our supply chain, business performance, and marketing strategy, etc.
Unit 4.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
Level 4 15 Credits
Sample Assignment
To succeed in this unit, you are required to complete two assignments. You must ensure that you cover the assessment criteria for this unit over the two assignments as indicated.
Assignment 1
You work for a reputable private clinic. Your organisation has recently received a lot of bad publicity in the local newspaper because of a few issues. It has been alleged that waste products have not been disposed of properly, that working conditions are poor for cleaning staff and that parking for visitors to the clinic adversely affects local residents. The raising of these issues has caused your organisation to consider other corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues such as carbon neutrality and recycling. It has become apparent to senior managers that a CSR policy is needed but the Board must be convinced of this. They have asked you to put together a persuasive case for introducing a CSR policy for senior managers to consider, prior to this going to the Board. You will present your arguments in the form of a report.
Task 1
Carry out research and produce an explanatory report for senior managers which covers the following
- a definition of CSR
- a description of the background and changing attitudes to CSR
- a description of the regulatory framework for CSR
- an explanation of environmental issues in CSR which would be covered by a policy
- an explanation of economic and political issues in CSR
- an explanation of social and community issues in CSR.
Unit 4.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
Task 2
Following submission of your report, the senior managers wish to explore the issues further. They invite you to a discussion where you are presented with a series of questions. Prepare detailed answers to the questions/ topics and be prepared to present any or all of your responses verbally.
- Assess the benefits of CSR to our employees.
- Give us an analysis of the impact of CSR on our supply chain
- Explain how CSR will impact on our business performance.
- Explain how CSR will impact on our marketing strategy.
- Assess the conflicts which might arise when we try to satisfy the needs and expectations of different stakeholders through CSR.
This assignment covers assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 2.5 and 2.6.
A bibliography must be attached.
Assignment 2
Following the meeting with senior managers the report was submitted to the Board of Directors who accepted the recommendation that a CSR policy be developed. The Board instructed the senior managers to produce a draft policy for consultation. Their approach is to review the CSR policy of a similar company, i.e. another clinic and they have delegated this task to you.
Task 1
Choose a private hospital or clinic and review its CSR policy. Present your findings in detailed notes.
Include in the notes an assessment of the extent of voluntarism in the CSR policy.
This task covers assessment criteria 3.1and 3.2.
A bibliography must be attached.
Task 2
The policy has been produced and has gone for consultation. There has been some negative feedback from stakeholders. Recommend changes in the form of detailed notes which meet the needs of the following stakeholder groups:
- suppliers
- customers
- employees
- environment
- community.
This task covers assessment criteria 3.3.
Task 3
Write a paper for senior management which assesses the potential impact of these changes in CSR on business performance
This task covers assessment criteria 3.4
A bibliography must be attached
Guidelines for assessors
The assignments submitted by students must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. The suggested evidence listed below is how students can demonstrate that they have met the required standard.
Assignment 1
Task number
Assessment criteria
Suggested evidence
1.1, 1.2 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1,
A detailed report which shows
understanding of CSR its background and the way attitudes have changed over time. There must be a clear description of the regulatory framework.
The explanations must be clear and
show understanding of each of the issues.
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.4,
2.5, 2.6
Detailed responses to questions/topics
in the form of notes to aid verbalpresentation. Tutor determines whether responses to questions are written or verbal.
Assignment 2
Task number
Assessment criteria
Suggested evidence
3.1, 3.2
Detailed notes reviewing a named company’s CSR policy including the extent of voluntarism.
The learners produce detailed notes which include recommendations for allstakeholder groups listed.
The paper needs to link the assessment of the potential impact of the changes in CSR to business performance.
Unit 4.6 Corporate Social Responsibility
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