Choose an organisation that you are familiar with and based on that knowledge and understanding, write a report identifying and discussing the leadership style(s) used within the organisation
Choose an organisation that you are familiar with and based on that knowledge and understanding, write a report identifying and discussing the leadership style(s) used within the organisation. Your report should provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness of these leadership styles.
Type of Assignment
Word Count
Writing Style
English U.K.
Academic Level
Undergraduate – final year of university level
Subject Area
Human Resources
Quality Level
GOLD STATUS to a 1:1 Level!
Assignment Question “Choose an organisation that you are familiar with and based on that knowledge and understanding, write a report identifying and discussing the leadership style(s) used within the organisation. Your report should provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness of these leadership styles.”
My lecturer notes below:
- The aim of the assignment is to assess whether you do have a good understanding and knowledge following the lectures and seminars, of the different leadership styles and their effectiveness.
- To demonstrate this, the assessment requirement is for you to choose an organisation and understand the different leadership styles at play within the organisation so that you can adequately analyse the effectiveness of the varied styles within it.
- The recommendation will be to choose an organisation that is in the public sector or a medium sized organisation as that will give you more depth and breadth in terms of your analysis of the leadership style(s)
- Most organisations will have at play more than one leadership style particularly if there are multiple levels in the hierarchy.
- The assessment is not restricting you to one leadership style but for you to identify all and analyse these.
- Being level 6 students, the analysis needs to be critical and underpinned by theoretical knowledge
In the report please also include executive summary/abstract/synopsis on the company (to give company background).
As well as critical analysing the effectiveness of the company’s leadership style, please make sure the report includes HR theories from the PowerPoints attached in the email.
Briefly make recommendations for the company’s leadership style as well.
Assignment Criteria
Maximum Marks
Demonstrate a clear understanding of theory
Application of theory to practice
Harvard Reference and Citation
For sources please see our recommended reading list and video list below. Plus, use sites like ProQuest, Emerald, Google scholar
Reading - undertake selected reading and reflection on leadership definitions, theory and practice. See suggested references and reading materials below.
Zeitchik, S. (2012). 10 Ways to Define Leadership. Business News Daily.
BOLDEN, R., WITZEL, M. and LINACRE, N. (2016) Leadership paradoxes: rethinking leadership for an uncertain world. Abingdon: Routledge.
Northouse, G. (2007). Leadership Theory and Practice. (3rd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kruse, K. (2013). What Is Leadership? Forbes Magazine
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A. (2013). `Primal Leadership,` Brighton, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press.
Blake, R., & Mouton, J. (1964). The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston, TX:Gulf Publishing Company.
House, R. J. (1971). A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 321-338.
Encyclopaedia of Human Resource Management (2016) Wilkinson. A and Johnston. S. Chapter 13. Turner, P.S., Purpose Driven Leadership.
Additional video content
Mouton Blake Managerial Grid
6 Emotional Leadership Styles (Daniel Goleman)
Purpose driven leadership; how to start a cultural transformation. Simon Sinek.
Additional video content
The perils of confusing management and leadership. John Kotter.
Management versus Leadership. Alexander Lyon.
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