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Comparing and contrasting approaches to improve oral health in children



Faculty of Life Sciences and Education



Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2020-2021

Module Code:


Module Title:

Improving Community Health and Wellbeing

Module Lecturer:

Assessment Title and Tasks:

Application of health improvement theory to interventions in a key health improvement area

Assessment No.

1 of 2

Word Count: 2500 +/- 10%. Please record word count (excluding references) at the end of the electronic submission.

Date Set:


Submission Date:


Return Date:



Last Supervision Date:

19th February 2021 @ 4.30pm



Part A: Record of Submission (to be completed by Student)

Extenuating Circumstances

If there are any exceptional circumstances that may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment, make sure you contact the Advice Zone on your campus prior to your submission deadline.


Fit to sit policy:

The University operates a fit to sit policy whereby you, in submitting or presenting yourself for an assessment, are declaring that you are fit to sit the assessment.  You cannot subsequently claim that your performance in this assessment was affected by extenuating factors. 


Plagiarism and Unfair Practice Declaration:

By submitting this assessment, you declare that it is your own work and that the sources of information and material you have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required[1].  Additionally, the work presented has not been submitted for any other assessment.  You also understand that the Faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism or unfair practice which, if proven, could result in a fail in this assessment and may affect your progress.

Intellectual Property and Retention of Student Work:

You understand that the University will retain a copy of any assessments submitted electronically for evidence and quality assurance purposes; requests for the removal of assessments will only be considered if the work contains information that is either politically and/or commercially sensitive (as determined by the University) and where requests are made by the relevant module leader or dissertation supervisor.

Details of Submission:

Note that all work handed in after the submission date and within 5 working days will be capped at 40%[2].  No marks will be awarded if the assessment is submitted after the late submission date unless extenuating circumstances are applied for and accepted (Advice Zone to be consulted).


You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statements by ticking the relevant statements online when submitting to Turnitin




Part B: Marking and Assessment

(to be completed by Module Lecturer)

This assignment will be marked out of 100%

This assignment contributes to 50% of the total module marks.

This assignment is bonded.

Assessment Task:

Students are required to produce a 2500 word essay on ‘Comparing and contrasting approaches to improve oral health in children’.

The essay should research and compare two distinct approaches or interventions aimed at improving oral health in a named UK group or population (within the broader title ‘children’).

You should:

  • Be clear about the scope of the essay – which specific population or group will you focus on? What are the two approaches or interventions?
  • Utilise relevant information to set out why improving oral health in children is an important public health issue, being careful to ensure that the information you access is relevant to your chosen population.
  • Clearly summarise the interventions or approaches the essay will focus on, describing the “who, what, where, when, how” of the approach/ intervention.
  • Contrast approaches being taken in reference to relevant health improvement theory
  • Suggest the potential strengths and weaknesses of the approaches, with reference to the relevant literature, including discussing whether one or the other is likely to be more effective in reducing health inequalities.
  • Draw together the discussion with effective conclusions which relate the discussion back to the health issue.

Students will be required to take a critical approach, drawing on:

- skills and knowledge from practice,

- material covered within the module,

- and research and further reading


Grading Criteria:




Describing Public Health importance:

Information from relevant sources is used to describe the importance of good oral health. It is clear which population has been chosen as the focus of the essay and the information chosen is relevant to this. The impact on health and wider society is considered, including whether there are any inequalities.


Summarising approaches:

The approaches to improving oral health in the chosen group are clearly and concisely described, using summarising and research skills. The approaches are relevant and the source of information is identified.


Application of theory:

The approaches are discussed in relation to relevant health behaviour theory. This discussion should identify type of approaches being utilised. The theory used should be relevant, and the discussion should identify how the approaches may be drawing on this theory in order to achieve an improvement in health.


Critique of approach:

The potential strengths and weaknesses of approaches are discussed, with reference to the relevant literature. The impact on health inequalities is discussed.


Conclusions :

The discussion is drawn together and effective conclusions made


Presentation and referencing:

Harvard referencing is used and the style used is faithful to USW referencing guidelines. Short references are used appropriately in the text and these relate to full references given in a reference section. At least 8 references are used and these are of good quality. The referencing enables the reader to easily locate the source of the information and find out more should they wish to.

The text uses an appropriate writing style (logical, fluent, concise and well structured) with accurate grammar, punctuation & spelling. The formatting is consistent and meets the guidance. The essay is clear and easy to read.



Guidance on Presentation of Assignment           

Your assignment should be:

  • Word processed, font Arial size 12, double line spaced and justified text (where appropriate).
  • The writing style should be in third person, past tense, unless otherwise stated.
  • Your student number should be shown in the header and page numbers shown in footer.
  • Please note that student names should not appear anywhere on the assignment.
  • Please refer to Student Handbook for additional advice.

Supplementary Guidance                                                                           

The word count excludes the referencing list at the end of the assignment. Any appendices will not be assessed as part of the content of the assignment; therefore will not contribute to the grade awarded. 

Assignments that are lengthier than the specified word count will not be read beyond the plus 10% point and will be marked according to the material already read. 

  • Additional explanation of assignment requirements will be provided during lectures
  • Consult the marking criteria to help you construct your response
  • All links to literature should be referenced appropriately using the University Harvard referencing system.
  • A variety of academic sources should be used (i.e. books, edited books, journals, reports and on-line resources e.g. health and government organization websites).
  • Total word count should be shown at end of your assignment
  • Page numbers to be shown in footer.


Learning Outcomes to be assessed (as specified in the validated module descriptor ):

  1. Discuss, compare and contrast health improvement interventions in relation to relevant theory.
  2. Identification of opportunities for behaviour change and relation of this to relevant evidence and theory.


Feedback/feed-forward (linked to assessment criteria):

  • Areas where you have done well:
  • Feedback from this assessment to help you to improve future assessments:
  • Other comments




Marker’s Signature:





     Work on this module has been marked, double marked/moderated in

     line with USW procedures.



Provisional mark only: subject to change and / or confirmation by

the Assessment Board


Part C: Reflections on Assessment

(to be completed by student – optional)

Use of previous feedback:

In this assessment, I have taken/took note of the following points in feedback on previous work:

Please indicate which of the following you feel/felt applies/applied to your submitted work


    A reasonable attempt.  I could have developed some of the sections further. 

    A good attempt, displaying my understanding and learning, with analysis in some parts.


  • A very good attempt.  The work demonstrates my clear understanding of the learning supported by relevant literature and scholarly work with good analysis and evaluation.

    An excellent attempt, with clear application of literature and scholarly work, demonstrating  significant analysis and evaluation.

What I found most difficult about this assessment:



The areas where I would value/would have valued feedback:



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