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Complete a corporate social responsibility and sustainability profile of the company by gathering data from a wide range of sources

Corporate Social responsibility

Assignment Requirements

  • You will be assessed by a single, individual written report of max 3,000 words. 
  • The purpose of the report is to analyse to what extent a company meets the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). 

Written report           

Imagine you are a CSR officer in a company of your choice. You are asked to analyse to what extent your company meets the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and how these can be used to enhance the company’s business and environmental sustainability profile, making it more resilient to current and future challenges. You should:

  • Complete a corporate social responsibility and sustainability profile of the company by gathering data from a wide range of sources (LO1)
  • Fully research the UN SDGs and by gathering data from appropriate sources (LO3)
  • Critically analyse to what extent your chosen company meets the UN SDGs (LO2)
  • Offer recommendations for changes in corporate practice and strategy to improve sustainability (LO1)
  • Recommend policies and practices that stem from your analysis and ensure the company’s future business and environmental responsibility (LO3 & LO4)

Assignment Marking Scheme

Contents page, executive summary, range of references correctly used, sources.  Marks: 10%.

Standard of writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, diagrams, presentation. Marks 10%

Posts from discussions, a minimum of one question and one answer to demonstrate your contribution to the course. Marks 5%

First part: Assessing the company of your choice.

Marks 25%

· Explain and justify the company`s current economic and social position, which may include but not limited to market size, market share, industry and market trends, competitors, and main activities.

· Assess the validity of CSR theories - such as Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR, Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line, Circular Economy, and Environment, Social, and Governance - to analyse the company’s CSR and sustainability strategy.

· Use CSR theories and concepts to consider the company`s CSR and sustainability stance. These may include issues of globalisation, human rights, animal welfare, environmental action, political involvement, boycotts / consumer protests, employment, marketing policy, community involvement, political donations, various product issues, supply chain management, and ethical sourcing, etc.

· Give an overview of UN SDGs. Compare the common elements of CSR and sustainability concepts with UN SDGs. 

· You should use academic sources and information including acceptable publications, economic and industry reports, electronic data bases (from LJMU library), e-journals, local, national and international reports, e.g., WEF, OECD.

Second part: UN SDGs

Marks: 25%

· Explore the relevance of the UN SDGs in organisational practices and strategies.

· Critically assess, apply, and evaluate UNSDGs to assess resilience. Whilst some of the SDGs may not be relevant to the company, they should be acknowledged.

· Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the specific application of UNSDGs as a management tool.

· Identify drivers for change.

Third part: Findings and recommendations

Marks: 20%

· Based on your findings, recommend five ways to improve and safeguard the company’s CSR and sustainability position. (You may consider innovation, collaborations, and investments, etc.)

· Evaluate decisions using research and conclusions from analyses of the company carried out in parts one and two.

· Assess the short, medium, and long-term advantages and disadvantages of the recommendations, including citing any investment needed to secure continued prosperity (such committing to green technologies, funding education, innovation, collaborations etc.)

·  Links between your recommendations and research should be clear, feasible, and support the economic future of the company.

· Set out a timescale from the short to the long-term with proposals of key tasks at each stage.


Marks: 5%

· Synthesise the main findings from research, application of UN SDGs and analysis.

· Summarise and bring together the main areas

· Make a final comment on your report.

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