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Critically evaluate the roles and origins of the global financial markets and the main theories as to how they work




YEAR: 2019 -2020

GROUP: Level 6

Module Number:  BAC6005

Term: 2

Module Title: Investment Management


FEEDBACK DATE(Return of assignments to students): One month after submission


In relation to each of the set assessment criteria, please identify the areas in which you feel you have strengths and those in which you need to improve.  Provide evidence to support your self-assessment with reference to the content of your assignment.



I certify that this assignment is a result of my own work and that all sources have been acknowledged:

Signed:______________________________________________  Date___________________________

SECTION B: TUTOR FEEDBACK  (based on assignment criteria, key skills and where appropriate, reference to professional standards)











Submission details

  • The deadline for submission into registry is on the Hand in Date shown on the Feedback sheet
  • Students are to submit via Moodle before the due date/time
  • Students must submit before due date. Any assessments brought after will not be accepted

Key Skills: Investment management; financial analysis.

Harvard Referencing: Complete reference list which MUST conform to the Harvard System of Referencing must be included at the end of your assignment and in text citations where appropriate.

Learning Outcomes covered (based on Module Specification):

On completion of the module the student should be able to:

  • Critically evaluate the roles and origins of the global financial markets and the main theories as to how they work
  • Analyse the financial needs and decision making processes
  • Critically evaluate the role and functions of  funds managers
  • Have an appreciation of the major issues in investment today


A) Discuss and analyse the assumptions and techniques of the technical analysis and fundamental analysis. (30)


  1. Discuss the behavioural finance concept and how it creates market anomalies in the stock market. (25)
  2. Explain how you can exploit other people irrationality and biases to earn excess profits. (15)


  1. Define and discuss the index funds and actively managed funds. (10)
  2. Discuss and compare the historical performance of three major actively managed funds with index funds in the US for the past decade.  (20)

Your essay must be approximately 3000 words in length (+/- 10%) and be well presented. You are free to use articles on the net, publications, reports and books as a source of information.

The essay should represent your own effort. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Students found guilty of plagiarism may face serious consequences. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, failure on the assignment, course failure, or an exclusion from all further examinations of SIST.

Plagiarism includes, but not limited to:

  • Presenting someone else’s work as your own
  • Copying words or ideas without giving credit to the source
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation

If in doubt, students should consult their personal tutor or another appropriate teacher

Marking Scheme


90  -  100        A quite exceptional and outstanding answer, providing insights which would not be available publicly, and would, with some editing, be publishable.  In addition to the features of the next section, this range is distinguished by superior organisation, economic use of language and totally comprehensive, given the conditions of the exercise.

80  -  89           An answer which demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complexity of the issues involved.  There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or the theoretical issues involved.  Most of the important issues are dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way.  There is either some measure of original thinking in the answer or an accurate and comprehensive account is given in a way which demonstrates understanding, for example by structuring the material such that it could not have been based just on reproduction of lecture notes and programme material.  Evidence of creativity, critical approach, and wide reading beyond the core subject matter.

70  -  79           As above but a slightly less consistently excellent level.  Alternatively, this range of mark may be given for an answer which, while not having original insights, gives comprehensive and accurate coverage of the issues at a high level throughout the answer, without significant omissions or errors.

60  - 69            An answer which demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues involved.  There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or of theoretical issues involved, with few significant errors.  The issues involved are dealt with in a systematic way.  Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach, but organised to display a comprehensive understanding and factual information essentially complete.

50  -  59           An answer which demonstrates an understanding of the major or basic issues in the question.  There is a basis of factual knowledge and/or of relevant theoretical issues.  Although some errors may be present, the overall framework of the answer is sensible and accurate.  Most of all the issues may be dealt with at the level of obviously available programme material given to the student.  The answer shows planning in its construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance, well presented, demonstrating understanding of most of the essential issues.

40  -  49           An answer which demonstrates a limited understanding of the major or basic issues in the question.  There is some relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, but it is patchy.  A few significant errors may be present.  The answer is not well planned, with little development of argument, and often much irrelevant material is present.  Lacks clarity of expression.

The lower range (40-45) would include an answer where relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is poor and confused, but not absent.  Many significant errors may be present.  The answer is poorly planned, with little clear train of thought or development of argument, and much of the answer may be irrelevant.

38  -  39           An answer which fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the major issues or basic issues of the question.  Relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, is very poor and confused and very limited.  Many significant errors may be present.  Much or all of the answer may be irrelevant.  Poorly organised and very limited in scope.

30  -  37           Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues is very poor and confused, and very limited with many significant errors.

10  -  29           Not clear that an answer is properly attempted.  Only a few minor points made at all relevant to the answer and these may be superficial.  Most material is irrelevant or incorrect.

1  -  9               An answer that is so short or irrelevant that only a few marks are justified.  For example, one or two points may be made which show some peripheral awareness of certain possibly relevant issues.

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