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Demonstrate awareness of the major theories of development and show how they are applied to development practice.

Module Title: Theories of Development and Globalisation

Module Code: AI5201


To provide students with a detailed overview and critical analysis of theories of development, theories of globalisation and assessment of the contemporary globalising processes. To relate these theories to the practice of development, both in terms of macro strategies of social and political change, and micro strategies of local participation and examine how these particularly influence the developing world.  


At the end of this module, students will be able to:


  1. Demonstrate awareness of the major theories of development and show how they are applied to development practice.
  2. Evaluate the origins, implementation and consequences of development rationales in a variety of colonial contexts.
  3. Articulate key development themes and their respective problems.
  4. Analyse the graduate labour market, identifying job opportunities (whether paid or unpaid) and attendant recruitment practices.
  5. Apply previous learning on team roles so as to illustrate understanding of team working in the workplace, recognising and respecting differing perspectives.
  6. Distinguish between competing perspectives on globalisation and critically analyse these approaches in the light of contemporary development processes.

Thinking skills

  1. Critically evaluate and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each of the theories and how they relate to practice of development.
  2. Compare and contrast a) own skills, behaviours, attitudes and competences with those prized by graduate employers, and propose personal actions to bring these closer together. 
  3. Analyse how globalisation influences particular development trajectories, including understanding how these competing perspectives lead to different expectations concerning development potentials

10. Identify and critically analyse the ways in which social actors attempt to change these processes;

 Subject-based practical skills

11. Identify graduate selection processes relevant to the chosen field and consider the process of applying for a job and evaluate appropriate interview and presentation techniques to constructively critique professional practice in a chosen field, identifying relevant personal strengths and weaknesses 

12. Reflect upon their own employment aspirations and align to current employment opportunities and reflect on the requirements of the job market; construct an application and critically review the application process.

13. Select, implement, be able to reflect critically on the main theories of development and globalisation and how they relate to practice.

14. Be able to articulate the successes and failures of development and globalisation in a clear and concise way.

15. Identify and critically analyse the ways in which social actors attempt to change these processes;

16. Reflect upon the framework for colonial rule and how development was managed by critically evaluating  development policy and practice

Skills for life and work (general skills)

17. Express complex ideas through academic essay writing.

18. Demonstrate subject knowledge in time constrained environment without access to resources

19. Develop advanced research skills using library-based and electronic resources, and comply with academic norms in referencing and citation.

20. Express and analyse complex ideas in exam situations without access to resources

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