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Describe the working principle of an anemometer and how and why it is necessary to record at different heights

Assignment 3: Instruments and Components


MODULE TITLE Engineering Applications

Learning outcomes

The assignment should produce sufficient evidence for partial fulfilment of the following module learning outcomes:

5. Describe the application of relevant instrumentation and associated components, through a written report or oral presentation.

Additional information As per the module specification, this third assessment for learning activity accounts for 35% of the module: Marks are available for quality of writing, presentation and accuracy of data presented. Students are encouraged to make use of mark scheme to maximise their score


This assignment has been written in reaction to the restrictions placed upon students due to the current Covid-19 outbreak. It reflects the resources available to students and the requirements for meeting learning outcomes as specified in the module descriptor. It is expected that students will only need to make use of internet sources and e-book resource from the UCLan library.


You have previously completed a report on an analysis of DATA collected at a weather station and from a nearby wind turbine. You were expected to provide detailed analysis of the data and present a report in a suitable manner.

For this assignment you are to write an Addendum to that report

(ad·den·dum n. pl. ad·den·da (-də)

Something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book.) where you will describe the instruments that record wind speed and direction and the components that make up a wind turbine. To assist you with your assignment, you should address the following;

• describe the working principle of an anemometer and how and why it is necessary to record at different heights (20%)

• Describe how wind direction is measured and the working principle of an instrument to measure this (10%) • describe ONE other method of measuring wind speed (10%)

• Describe the following components of a wind turbine, detailing where possible, materials used and sizes involved (15% each)

1. Blade

2. Gearbox

3. Tower

4. Generator

It would be expected that your submission not exceed 1000 words. Use a consistent reference system throughout, including any use of images you make. Submission details: The assignment should be submitted as a single document via TurnItIn no later than 23.59 on 1 st May 2020


Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Rogers, A.L. Wind Energy Explained: Theory, design and Application, Wiley, UK, 2002. Stroud K. E, and Booth D., Engineering Mathematics, Pelgrave McMillan, 2001 Silyn-Roberts H., Writing for Science and Engineering. London : ButterHeinem ST, 2000.

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