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ECP220 - Police Communications Procedures

Subject Title 
Police Communications Procedures

Subject Description 
Students learn how each emergency service, whether police, fire or ambulance, is governed by specific laws, by-laws, standards, procedures and regulations. The course examines how technology used on a day to day basis in the policing environment such as C.P.I.C. is also governed by specific regulations. Students are introduced to the procedures, technology, terminology and equipment that are used consistently in a police environment.

Learning Outcomes 
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:

1. Define the standards that set the guidelines and responsibilities listed for procedures, technology, terminology and equipment used for uniform and civilian members.
2. Define the rank structure in a police environment.
3. Demonstrate the correct use of 10 codes, police terminology, and explain why they should be used.
4. Demonstrate the use of CPIC and PARIS and explain the necessity for the restrictions surrounding their use.
5. Explain types, functions, and resources of specialized units in a police environment internal and external to each police service and list the advantages of having such units.
6. Explain the necessity for taping any communications transmissions and list the technology used.
7. Define the mandate, standards and responsibilities of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
8. Assess and explain how a communicator`s job performance in a communication centre can directly affect the safety of the public and the officer.
9. List the criteria set by the Police Services Act written in the regulation "Suspect Apprehension Pursuits," including the purpose of this regulation and how it affects the police communicators` job performance.
10. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Mobile Work Station (MWS) and explain how it affects the police communicator`s job performance.
11. Describe the definition of, the use of, and the radio set up of the Province Common Channel.
12. Explain and assess the use of call classifications.
13. Identify and explain the use of information systems including data bases, mapping, mite checks, and phone and radio recorders.

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