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Evaluate how an existing health promotion campaign has improved the health of a specific target group(s).

TOPIC - HIV AMONG NURSING MOTHERS IN UK.                                       

Task 1 – Written evaluation LO1, LO3, (50%) (2500 words)

Assessment guidance

  • Evaluate how an existing health promotion campaign has improved the health of a specific target group(s).
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in terms of improving the health and wellbeing of the specific target population(s).
  • Analyse how effective it has been in reaching its target audience.
  • Examine how effectively the campaign uses various models of health promotion. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen health promotion campaign in terms of its suitability.
  • How effectively did the campaign operate within legal and ethical boundaries?

NB: Ensure you are evaluating a valid health promotion campaign.

Assessed Learning outcomes:

The assessed learning outcomes for this assignment are as follows:


LO1 Analyse different models for health

LO3 Analyse the possible effects on health behaviour of an intervention designed to carry forward a national or local health promotion policy, with reference to the legal and ethical boundaries of campaign organisation.

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