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Evaluation of different diagnostic tools e.g. employee attitude surveys, focus groups, metrics such as employee turnover, absenteeism rates etc.



Part A (AC3.1, 3.2, 3.3 ) (1700 words)

This report builds upon Part A in which you were asked to write an initial report against the context of the following:


There are many examples of organisations that clearly misunderstand the concept of employee engagement. Often levels of employee engagement are measured in a very superficial way that potentially adds very little value - for example, by the use of employee engagement surveys. Your recently appointed C.E.O, in the past has been a very strong advocate of engagement surveys. He has come to you (in HR) for advice and has asked for a proposal for how levels of employee engagement can be effectively measured. He/she has asked for an initial report which should provide explanation covering the concept and components of employee engagement and evidence showing its contribution to achieving business outcomes.


In this report, you are asked to consider the practical application and measurement of employee engagement.


Your report should be structured under the key themes of:

  • A detailed analysis that demonstrates your clear understanding around the complexities of recognising and measuring levels of employee engagement.
  • A range of suggestions to make to the CEO covering alternatives to engagement surveys, identify the key benefits of these.
  • Examples of organisations that have adopted effective strategies to measure levels of employee engagement, thereby collating a range of realistic best practice ideas.

Specifically, you need to address the following issues: 


Evaluation of different diagnostic tools e.g. employee attitude surveys, focus groups, metrics such as employee turnover, absenteeism rates etc. (A.C. 3.1) (approx 500 words)



Construct an EVP, identifying clearly the components, and explaining how these might be used to raise levels of employee engagement. (AC3.2) (approx 500 words)



Identify barriers to employee engagement and explain how these might be overcome. (AC3.2) (approx 200 words)



Explain how relevant HR strategies might raise levels of employee engagement. This could include resourcing, development, performance and communication strategies. (A.C. 3.3) (approx 300 words)



ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during this assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD. (approx 200 words)


You should also include 3-5 references from up to date and relevant sources in order to support your findings.

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