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Explain the role of international competition policy for environmental regulations and strategic environmental protection for any organisation doing trade globally.



Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in International Business Law

Qualification No (RQF) Unit Name

Unit Reference


No of Credits


International Trade Law


20 Credits


Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in International Business Law

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Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in International Business Law


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Word Count Policy

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Qualifi uses a standard marking rubric for all assignments, and you can find the details at the end of this document. Unless stated elsewhere, Learners must answer all questions in this document.

Assignment Question


Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in International Business Law

Write a piece of paper (based on research within the legal and academic context) to describe key challenges and issues for companies/businesses operating globally.

To support your answer, you should demonstrate how the global environment, regulations and legal issues have an impact on businesses operating in the across the border and how these businesses maintain their compliance with those legislations and industry regulations.

You have been given the following tasks to write an assignment of 2000 words in length, to meet the assessment criteria (A.C).

Task 1 – 800 words

Critically explain the concept of strategic trade, environmental competition and preferential trade arrangements in the international trade.

1.1 : Explain the role of international competition policy for environmental regulations and strategic environmental protection for any organisation doing trade globally.

1.2 : Explain the concept of classical theory of distortions to measure trade barriers.

1.3 : Critically describe types and rationales for preferential agreements.

1.4 : Critically explain the economic bases of the rules and principles of the GATT. 

Assessment Criteria

1.1 : Explain the role of international competition policy for environmental regulations and strategic environmental protection for any organisation doing trade globally.

1.2 : Explain the concept of classical theory of distortions to measure trade barriers. 

1.3 : Critically describe types and rationales for preferential agreements. 

1.4 : Critically explain the economic bases of the rules and principles of the GATT.

Task 2 – 800 words

Evaluate the underlying principles, practices, rules and regulation of international sales contracts.

2.1 : Assess constitutes for the contract for sales of goods and products.

2.2 : Assess the rights and obligations imposed under international sales contracts. 2.3: Evaluate the validity of rights and obligation of international sales contracts. 2.4: Evaluate the implications of making international contract online.

Assessment Criteria

2.1 : Assess constitutes for the contract for sales of goods and products.

2.2 : Assess the rights and obligations imposed under international sales contracts. 2.3: Evaluate the validity of rights and obligation of international sales contracts. 2.4: Evaluate the implications of making international contract online

Task 3 – 400 words

Assess various issues associated to an organisation trading globally.

3.1 : Identify various types exchange rate, regulatory and legal associated to an organisation trading at an international level.

3.2 : Critically assess legal rules relating to the financing of international sales.

Assessment Criteria

3.1 : Identify various types exchange rate, regulatory and legal associated to an organisation trading at an international level.

3.2 : Critically assess legal rules relating to the financing of international sales.



















Content (alignment with

assessment criteria)


Extensive evaluation and synthesis of ideas; includes substantial original thinking


Comprehensive critical evaluation and synthesis of ideas; includes coherent original thinking


Adequate evaluation and synthesis of key ideas beyond basic descriptions; includes original thinking


Describes main ideas with evidence of evaluation; includes some original thinking

Describes some of the main ideas but omits some concepts; limited evidence of evaluation; confused original thinking


Largely incomplete description of main issues; misses key concepts; no original thinking


Inadequate information or containing information not relevant to the topic



Application of Theory and Literature

In-depth, detailed and relevant application of theory; expertly integrates literature to support ideas and concept


Clear and relevant application of theory; fully integrates literature to support ideas and concepts


Appropriate application of theory; integrates literature to support ideas and concepts


Adequate application of theory; uses literature to support ideas and concepts


Limited application of theory; refers to literature but may not use it consistently


Confused application of theory; does not use literature for support


Little or no evidence of application of theory and relevant literature



Knowledge and Understanding


Extensive depth of understanding and exploration beyond key principles and concepts

Comprehensive knowledge and depth of understanding key principles and concepts


Sound understanding of principles and concepts


Basic Knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles

Limited and superficial knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles

Confused or inadequate knowledge and understanding of key concepts and principles


Little or no evidence of knowledge or understanding of key concepts and principles




Presentation and Writing Skills

Logical, coherent and polished presentation exceeding expectations at this level; free from errors in mechanics and syntax


Logical, coherent presentation demonstrating mastery; free from errors in mechanics and syntax


Logical structure to presentation; makes few errors in mechanics and syntax which do not prohibit meaning



Orderly presentation; minor errors in mechanics and syntax


Somewhat weak presentation; errors in mechanics and syntax may interfere with meaning


Confused presentation; errors in mechanics and syntax often interfere with meaning


Illogical presentation lacking cohesion; contains significant errors that interfere with meaning




Advanced use of in- text citation and references


Mastery of in-text citation and referencing


Appropriate use of in-text citation and referencing


Adequate use of in- text citation and referencing


Limited use of in- text citation and referencing


Inadequate use of citation and referencing

Little or no evidence of appropriate referencing or use of sources

Qualifi Level 7 Diploma in International Business Law

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