3rd Class – 40-49%
Lower 2nd – 50-59%
Upper 2nd – 60-69%
1st Class – 70%+
Identification and discussion of good practice.
Three examples of good practice/strategies have been identified, but these might not be from different sectors. The appropriateness of the practices/strategies is discussed in limited depth.
Three examples of good practice/strategies have been identified and these are from different sectors. The appropriateness of the practices/strategies is discussed in reasonable depth.
Three examples of good practice/strategies have been identified clearly and these are from different sectors. The appropriateness of the practices/strategies is discussed in detail and demonstrates good evidence of wider reading.
Three examples of good practice/strategies have been identified clearly and these are from different sectors. The appropriateness of the practices/strategies is discussed in detail and demonstrates excellent evidence of wider reading.
Identification and discussion of challenges.
Three challenges of employing older workers have been identified, but these are not discussed in any depth and there is only limited evidence of wider reading from, generally, low-quality sources. The discussion shows limited understanding of the challenges of employing older workers.
Three challenges of employing older workers have been identified. These are discussed in limited depth, but there is some evidence of wider reading from good quality sources. The discussion shows some understanding of the challenges of employing older workers.
Three challenges of employing older workers have been clearly identified. These are discussed in some depth and there is evidence of wider reading from good quality sources. The discussion shows good understanding of the challenges of employing older workers.
Three challenges of employing older workers have been clearly identified. These are discussed in some depth and there is evidence of wider reading from high quality sources. The discussion shows excellent understanding of the challenge of employing older workers.
Some of the recommendations make sense and are ‘actionable’, but too often the candidate may produce proposals which appear not to emanate from the internal logic of the report, or which have little evidential foundation, or which raise more questions than they solve. The latter recommendations may be platitudinous without any adequate accountabilities having been identified.
Most of the recommendations make sense and are ‘actionable’, but occasionally the candidate may produce proposals which appear not to emanate from the internal logic of the report, or which have little evidential foundation, or which raise more questions than they solve. The latter recommendations may be platitudinous without any adequate accountabilities having been identified.
By and large the recommendations and proposals for action are logically derived from the conclusions and the preceding analysis; most of the recommendations are ‘actionable’ in the sense that they could be implemented by the reader without further enquiry about precisely what is meant. There are no significant omissions.
All the recommendations and proposals for action are cogent, defensible, relevant and strategically imaginative. The responsibilities for implementation are clearly identified, and the recommendations themselves follow logically from the preceding literature analysis and conclusions.
4 Presentation and Persuasion
Though the report is generally systematic, there are improvements that the candidate should have implemented, for example, over-long and discursive paragraphs or too short and fragmented paragraphs which render some pages un-reader-friendly; new information wrongly introduced in the closing sections of the assignment or unpersuasive recommendations.
The report is satisfactorily presented, and the content is coherent and logically presented. However, there may be scope to make the report even more business-like in structure and tone and the recommendations made even more persuasive.
The overall presentation of the report material is articulate, lucid, structurally sensible and mature in expression. The concept of age diversity and having an older workforce is clearly explained and the subtleties concerning its operation in practice are discussed in an appropriately logical, clinical and persuasive fashion. The references are organised conscientiously and comprehensively.
This report is produced in strict conformity with the guidelines contained for the assignment brief. The text is wide-ranging, the style mature, the approach measured, the presentation is reader friendly. Third-party sources are properly described, and the logic of the argument throughout the ‘report’ is strongly persuasive.