In a research project of 8,000 words, analyse one or more strategic problem in the oil, gas and energy sector and produce a comprehensive report detailing the objectives, methodologies, findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research carried out above
Module Title: Research Dissertation and Further Professional Development for Energy Students
Module Code: 604OGE
Introduction: Module Code: 604OGE
Research is an essential skill both for continued academic development and future employability skills. A research project provides the opportunity to develop deeper learning into a specific area and develop research skills for life.
Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:
1. Plan and take responsibility for a self-managed research investigation within an appropriate ethical framework.
2. Research and compile information relevant to a specialist subject area in which the investigation is based.
3. Study and critically review the body of knowledge related to the investigation topic, assessing its reliability, validity, and significance.
4. Demonstrate an appropriate level of competence in the execution of the selected research methodology, employing appropriate scientific/design principles.
5. Undertake the investigation, analysis and critically evaluate the outcome, formulating coherent conclusions from the work undertaken.
6. Present critical matters and findings of the research in the form of an effective, detailed and coherent written dissertation and technical poster. The dissertation should utilise appropriate academic methods of writing and citation, and following a prescribed format, and avoiding plagiarism.
7. Demonstrate professional writing skills as appropriate to their sector
8. Apply appropriate people skills in a range of situations
9. Understand and be able to adapt to a range of workplace environments and workplace etiquette.
10. Understand the opportunities available to them in terms of future study, graduate schemes and employment
11. Plan effectively towards achieving their career goals and be able to apply for graduate level posts or further study
Title: Project Task: Module Code: 604OGE
• In a research project of 8,000 words, analyse one or more strategic problem in the oil, gas and energy sector and produce a comprehensive report detailing the objectives, methodologies, findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research carried out above.
• You should also include a career plan and reflection of 1,000 words on how the course and this project has helped your employability in an attached appendix.
• You should provide a record of project supervision meetings in an attached appendix.
Module Code: 604OGE
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