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In terms of business ethics, responsibility or sustainability, why is it important to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms (SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions)

In terms of business ethics, responsibility or sustainability, why is it important to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms (SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions)?

Use the template below and transfer your work directly into your final assessment report. Use the SDG title and question as the heading for the work.

1.1 Critical analysis of the issue

Write a 400-word critical analysis. This should be a literature review based on your choice of resources linked from this week’s TRP.  We are looking for depth of understanding. We recommend four references as minimum.

1.2 Current Status

How does your organisation currently respond to this issue? (75 words)

1.3 Recommendations

Use extended bullet points to outline your three top recommendations for your organisation. Based on your learning this week, what could your organisation do to address this issue? You should reference the source of your ideas from the learning (150 words in total)

This is an exercise we did in the class, just to give you an idea

  1. Stating the problem (in 2-3 sentences)
  2. Outlining how you used the ethical approaches to discuss this and potentially suggest a solution
  3. Front Page of the Newspaper Test: Would you be comfortable if your actions were revealed on the front page of the newspaper? There can be a difference to what we do in public and private.
  • End/Means Test: Does an ethical goal (end) justify the way you get to that goal (means)? In other words, does the overall goal justify cutting corners to get  there?
  • The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.                In other words, treat  others as you would wish to be treated. How would you wish to be treated if you were involved?
  • Categorical imperative: If I do this once, would it be alright for me to do it like this always? If I do it this way, is  it alright for everyone else to take this approach too?
  • Utilitarianism: What act or rule results in the greatest good for the greatest number? Do the benefits
  • of the action outweigh the costs/harm to all the stakeholders?
  • Professional Standards or Codes of Conduct: Many professions have published standards or  codes that members must abide by to remain in good standing. In addition, many businesses have  their own internal codes of conduct. There are also legal guidelines to consider.

: Conrad Lashley (2016) Business ethics and sustainability, Research in Hospitality Management, 6:1, 1-7, DOI: 10.2989/RHM.2016.,all%20forms%20of%20organised%20crime.

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