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Install the OpenSUSE distribution (a very similar distribution to Fedora) and configure it as a secure FTP server and ensure that other access methods (other than remote administration) are prevented.

Introduction to Linux (LINUX) – Final Project: Exploring Linux Distributions & UNIX Flavours

In this course, you have learned how to use, configure and administer the Fedora 25 and Ubuntu Server 14 Linux distributions. Since all Linux distributions share the same Linux kernel and libraries (they may use different revisions of it at different points in time), nearly all of the commands and files are similar between different Linux distributions with a few minor differences. The major differences between Linux distributions revolve around the package manager used and the system initialization process (Systemd vs UNIX SysV). Moreover, since Linux is essentially a natural evolution of the UNIX operating system (also used by Macintosh computers), there is a large amount of transferable knowledge when it comes to UNIX flavours.

Bottom Line: After learning a Linux distribution, it is important to apply your knowledge to other Linux distributions and UNIX flavors in order to consolidate and expand your knowledge, as well as build the confidence to talk about different Linux distributions and UNIX flavors during a job interview! The aim of this project is to allow you to apply what you’ve learned with Fedora and Ubuntu to other Linux distributions and UNIX flavors through exploration, research, and configuration! We want you to use this time to consolidate your knowledge of Linux and UNIX – as a result, you are primarily marked for participation during this project as opposed to having achieved the complete list of deliverables.

Setup: Just as you did with Fedora and Ubuntu, we’ll use virtual machines to host our other distributions. You can find the ISO files for several other Linux distributions and BSD UNIX at \trios.comLabsoftwareLinux - however, you are free to download and install any Linux distribution or UNIX flavor of your choice! Research: As with anything in IT, new technologies will always require a certain amount of research on the Internet – as you may have found out already in this course, often the quickest way to get information on anything Linux-related is by using man pages or Google searches

Notes: While performing the tasks in the next section, it is important to ensure that you keep a list of key aspects or differences of the Linux distribution (or UNIX flavor) that you are working with that you’d like to remember – otherwise, you may forget them when you move to another distribution. On the next page, there is a table that you can use for this purpose. At the end of this project, you can use this table as a quick guide to the differences between the various Linux distributions (and UNIX). You can also refer to the following Wikipedia page for a basic comparison of a wide variety of different Linux distributions:

Tasks (in order of logical progression):

1. Install the OpenSUSE distribution (a very similar distribution to Fedora) and configure it as a secure FTP server and ensure that other access methods (other than remote administration) are prevented.

2. Install CentOS, configure it as a Apache Web server running a Wordpress site (this is easier than it sounds if you research it). Next, configure it as a Samba and NFS file server, and test your results. 3. Install the LinuxMint distribution (focused on desktop application) and explore the customization available in the Cinnamon and Xfce desktop environments. Configure it to connect to your CentOS server for persistent file storage.

4. Install Solaris UNIX and configure it to host files on ZFS volumes using Samba.

5. (Advanced) Install Gentoo Linux using the detailed installation guide available here (for this you will need to download a minimal install image from the Internet): Configure Gentoo as an NTP and DNS server (domain of your choice).

6. (Advanced) Install FreeBSD and configure it as a virtualized Apached web server using BSD jails (OS-level virtualization)

Introduction to Linux (LINUX) – Final Project: Exploring Linux Distributions & UNIX Flavours

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