Interpreting and Presenting Information –assignment 2
Interpreting and Presenting Information –assignment 2
There are 4 tasks to complete.
Task 1: 1.2, 2.1
You are required to design, review and distribute 15 questionnaires. To inform your data analysis for tasks 2, 3 and 4, you must first complete the following four work items (a, b, c & d) which must be your own work and accurately drawn up.
- Fifteen hard copy questionnaires prepared, distributed and collected by you. The questionnaire should have had at least 10 questions, take up only one side of A4 and have been distributed to at least 15 adult persons.
- The tabulated results of those questionnaires in a single page landscape format
Your questionnaire should start with the following statement:
“Hello, my name is First name, Surname and I am a student at North Hertfordshire College. I am completing a class project which involves collecting data by giving out questionnaires like this one. Please be aware that there is no obligation to answer any of these questions”
- Your questionnaire should have a theme and you must identify this, however the first five questions will ask for: age, gender, ethnic grouping, height and some other physical characteristic chosen by you – e.g. neck circumference. Do not provide ranges for ages, heights and your chosen measurement though appreciate that the respondent may wish to give a range – in which case let them do so.
- Before you choose your other questions however you should look at parts (b), (c) and (d) in this task to make sure you will have sufficient data to construct those items. You need to plan this now!
- Note: Be sensible about your question construction: e.g. if you are doing a survey on smoking habits – then only give questionnaires to people who do smoke otherwise you might only get maybe 2 ‘smokers’ and thus have no data to work with. It follows that it would be absurd to have your starting question as “Do you smoke?” !
- Each questionnaire will be marked with an ident alpha letter A….O
- When you have collected the 15 questionnaires, you will tabulate the results ie the 150 pieces of data on one landscape sheet of A4 scaled to the full page but no more, with the Q numbers on the vertical axis and the 15 Questionnaire idents on the horizontal axis. This may be hand written or on spreadsheet but must have a neat and professional overall appearance.
(b) A bar chart prepared by you from your questionnaire data showing relationships or changes in one or two parameters.
(c) A scatter graph prepared by you from your questionnaire data with at least 15 co-ordinated points completed with a mean position and line of best fit.
d) A pie chart prepared by you from your questionnaire data with at least 5 divisions each with appropriate titles and percentages.
It is a requirement that you do not use exactly the same data from your tabulated results in each of the 3 above parts.
You may find it useful to keep a diary of what you did.
Task 2: 2.1, 2.4 200-250 words
You should write a summary narrative of how you went about your preparation for Task 1. You need to identify what your objectives were, what you wanted to find out, what kind of information you wanted to obtain, and what particular relationships you wanted to explore.
You should not discuss your results of your findings in this task.
Task 3: 2.1, 2.2. 200-250 words
You should discuss what practical things you did to obtain the information that you collected in Task 1. Starting with the survey discuss any challenges you faced when dealing with the respondents you approached, and in the tabulation of the data. You should also discuss any difficulties you faced when constructing the various graphs and charts, and most importantly how you managed to resolve these issues. In the answer you should also consider both the difficulties of any calculations you processed as well as any problems you had constructing the tables, graphs and charts.
Task 4: 2.1, 2.3 200-250 words
In this task, you should discuss the results yielded by your tables graphs, and charts: What did you actually find out? How reliable do you think your results were? Have you made any notable discoveries? Did you achieve the objectives that you have discussed in task 2? How satisfied are you with the way this assignment went? What technical details would you change? How would you do things differently next time?
End of Assessment.
Please submit as hard copy
Please also check your word count in each task as maximum and minimum word limits will be strictly applied.
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